Co-producing and co-constructing public policies: the role of the SSE
Yves Vaillancourt (2014) identifies the notions of the co-production and co-construction of public policies. They refer both to the participation of civil society and market actors in the implementation of public policies (for example, services management and supply) and to actors’ participation in defining and drawing up policies (determining general policy lines and key elements). These practices provide a major opportunity for democratising the economy, and public policies in particular, by introducing forms of governance based on the participation of civil society and market actors. In addition, in this context, civil society actors are no longer confined to the role of passive service consumers.
The contribution of the social and solidarity economy is particularly innovative and promising, since it offers social innovations rooted in experiments. To cite one example, social policies in Quebec are marked by the cooperation between social and solidarity economy actors, working alongside other labour market and civil society actors, and the State to develop (co-construct) and operationalize (co-produce) policies centred on the general interest. This applies to social and community housing policies over the last twenty years in Quebec, where SSE actors are involved both in designing policies and in the cooperative forms their implementation takes.
2 publications
Social and Solidarity Economy. Beyond the Fringe.
Peter Utting, ZED books UK, April 2015
Civil Society, the Third Sector and Social Enterprise Governance and Democracy
Edited by Jean-Louis Laville, Denis Young, Philippe Eynaud, Routledge, USA, March 2015
4 Videos
Food Social Security - 3rd Nyéléni ECA Thematic Webinar
January 2025
Urgenci, Nyeleni Europe and Central Asia, FIAN belgium,
RTES, FIAN Switzerland
Audio : How Residents of an English Town Took Governance and the Local Economy Into Their Own Hands
Upstream conversations
April 2017
UNRISD conference “Potential and Limits of Social and Solidarity Economy”, Geneva, 6-8 May 2013
May 2013
10 case studies
From : Guidelines for Local Governments on Policies for Social and Solidarity Economy, UNRISD
Helen Heap, Alan Southern, Matt Thompson, 2020
From : Guidelines for Local Governments on Policies for Social and Solidarity Economy, UNRISD
Susan Steinman, 2020
Public Policies Enabling the Social and Solidarity Economy in the City of Montreal
From : Guidelines for Local Governments on Policies for Social and Solidarity Economy, UNRISD
Marguerite Mendell, Nancy Néamtan, Yi Hyuna, 2020
Policy Systems and Measures for the Social Economy in Seoul
From : Guidelines for Local Governments on Policies for Social and Solidarity Economy, UNRISD
Soon-Yoon Kil, Lee Sang Youn, 2020
Public Policies Fostering the Social and Solidarity Economy in Barcelona (2016-2019)
From : Guidelines for Local Governments on Policies for Social and Solidarity Economy, UNRISD
Rafael Chaves Ávila, Jordi Via Llops, Jordi Garcia Jané, 2020
Ajuntament de Barcelona
April 2017
Brighton & Hove Food Poverty Action Plan - A whole city approach to tackling food poverty.
Brighton and Hove Food Partnership, 2015
The AccèsLogis Québec Program: 15 years of Partnership Between the State and the Social Economy
Canadian Review of Social Policy / Revue canadienne de politique sociale, no 1, p. 16-29.
Canada Case Study. Co-Construction of Public Policy for the Social Economy
International Forum on Social and Solidarity Economy, FIESS 2011
Paul Chamberlain, Mike Toye, Geneviève Huot, Émilien Gruet, October 2011
International Forum on Social and Solidarity Economy, FIESS 2011
Susan Steinman, October 2011
10 Analyses/working papers/articles
The RIPESS contribution - A detailed account.
Yvon Poirier, December 2024
Chapter 4. Promoting Social and Solidarity Economy through Public Policy
October 2016
Public Policy for a Social Economy
Journal of peer Production, issue #7
John Restakis, July 2015
Social and Solidarity Economy: Beyond the Fringe? Introductory chapter
Peter Utting, April 2015
4th CIRIEC International Research Conference on Social Economy University of Antwerp, 24-26 October 2013
Anders Bro, Claes Gunnarsson, Olle Westin, October 2013
Beyond Policy ‘Lock-In’? The Social Economy and Bottom-Up Sustainability
Canadian Review of Social Policy / Revue canadienne de politique sociale, 2012, no 67
Mike Gismondi, Kailey Cannon, 2012
The AccèsLogis Québec Program: 15 years of Partnership Between the State and the Social Economy
Canadian Review of Social Policy / Revue canadienne de politique sociale, 2012, no 1, 16-29.
Marie-Noëlle Ducharme,, 2012
October 2011
Public Policy for the Social Economy: Building a people-centred economy in Canada
PUBLIC POLICY Paper Series Cahiers SUR les POLITIQUEs PUBLIQUEs Number 03 - jun e 2010
Sarah Amyot, Rupert Downing, Crystal Tremblay, June 2010
3 articles
Rethinking and regenerating our economies | RIPESS Europe’s 13th General Assembly
Article of RIPESS Europe newsletter, February 2024
Ruby Van der Wekken, Jason Nardi, July 2024
MedTOWN: coproduction and Social and Solidarity Economy in the Mediterranean
Article of RIPESS Europe newsletter, December 2023
ENI CBC Med, December 2023
What is municipalism and why is it gaining presence in Spain?
Article from UnitedExplanations, 16/01/2016
January 2016