Responsible consumption
Responsible, socially committed, ethical and critical consumption constitute a series of responses to the social and environmental consequences of a society based on overconsumption that has taken root since the post-WWII boom period. Fair trade, short circuits, organic and community-supported farming, AMAP in France, GAS in Italy and consumer cooperatives are all alternative systems for producing, distributing and/or consuming, offering an alternative economic approach rooted in partnerships between producers and consumers. They aim to create a process whereby the risks and benefits linked to healthy, ethical and collaborative production that respects natural and cultural heritage is shared between these economic actors. They take into account the social conditions underpinning production as well as its methods. A number of initiatives, such as the Seikatsu clubs in Japan, have a wider scope than the collective purchase of foodstuffs. For example, work cooperatives are emerging for the production of meals for the elderly, and Seikatsu club members are standing for election on local councils and/or taking part in events concerning the global issues linked to food. For several years, the Gruppi di Acquisti Solidale (GAS) in Italy has formed the backbone of the Italian solidarity economy movement.
Based on the principles of sustainable development, food security and sovereignty, strengthening social ties and cooperation, as well as refocusing on local, healthy and well-balanced food, the experiments in alternative consumption, self-production, sharing, recycling and simple living are at the heart of a socio-political construction centred on satisfying needs, happiness, prosperity, redistribution, pooling resources at the global level, environmental protection and social justice. By making consumers active rather than passive, responsible consumption is part of daily life, feeding into democratic reflections on the meaning of economic activities.
4 publications
Ethical Consumption. Social Value and Economic Practice.
Edited by James G. Carrier, Peter G. Luetchford, Bergham 21, New York, Oxford, October 2014
Beyond Alternative Food Networks Italy’s Solidarity Purchase Groups
Cristina Grasseni, Bloomsbury Publishing, May 2013
The Slow Food Story: Politics and Pleasure
Geoff Andrews, Pluto Press, London, UK., July 2008
Sustainable Consumption, Ecology and Fair Trade
Edited by Edwin Zaccai, Taylor&Francis Publishers,United States/UK., April 2007
A thesis
Simply happy? Voluntary simplicity and subjective wellbeing
Dissertation for the Degree of MSc in Wellbeing and Human Development
Nadine van Dijk, September 2012
2 Videos
C.R.I.E.S. associaton Responsible Consumption & FairTrade
August 2014
Nyeleni Europe 2011 - European Forum on Food Soveeignty - Krems, Austria 16-21 August 2011
August 2011
A pedagogical tool
Game: Sales files over to you (Le jeu des pommes)
Association Lafi Bala
4 case studies
Transforming our world: A cooperative 2030 Cooperative contributions to SDG 12
ILO Briefs
June 2018
Nekasarea: a Basque network serving the everyday struggle for Food Sovereignty
A network of consumers and producers organized beyond community supported agriculture (CSA)
Jocelyn Parot, December 2010
International Newsletter of Sustainable Local Development, Urgenci
Stéphane Girou, May 2008
Linking the Global and the Local: the vision the Seikatsu Club Consumers’ Co-Operative Union (Japan)
Yvon Poirier, July 2007
27 Analyses/working papers/articles
Consumption networks in times of social distancing: Towards entrained solidarity
Sage Journals
Gregorio Fuschillo, Simona D’Antone, November 2022
Consumer Culture, Sustainability and a New Vision of Consumer Sovereignty
European Society for Rural Sociology. Sociologia Ruralis, Vol 55, Number 4, October 2015
Roberta Sassatelli, 2015
Exploring linkages between Consumer Food Co-operatives and Domestic Fair Trade in the United States
Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems / Volume 29 / Issue 02 / June 2014, pp 151-160, Cambridge University Press 2013
Leslie Duram, Amber Mead, June 2014
Can’t buy me happyness ! How voluntary simplicity contributes to subjective wellbeing
Working paper n°29. Bath Papers in International Development and Wellbeing A working paper series of the Centre for Development Studies, University of Bath, UK
Nadine van Dijk, January 2014
Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition Volume 9, Issue 1, 2014
Kylie Markow, John Coveney, Sue Booth, 2014
Submitted to the Asian Solidarity Economy Council, on the occasion of the 5th RIPESS International Meeting of SSE, Manila, Philippines, October, 15-18, 2013.
Sung Ming Chow, October 2013
Food Community Networks as Leverage for Social Embeddedness
Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics October 2013
Giuseppina MIGLIORE, Giorgio SCHIFANI, Giovanni Dara Guccione, Luigi Cembalo, October 2013
Sustainability and New Models of Consumption: The Solidarity Purchasing Groups in Sicily
Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics February 2013, Volume 26, Issue 1, pp 281-303
Elisabetta CANGELOSI,, 2013
Social and solidarity based economy, what opportunities for sustainable consumption in times of crisis and beyond? Marlyne Sahakian, pp.190-206
Sylvia Lorek, Julia Backhaus, May 2012
Consumers in Postmodern Society and Alternative Food Networks: The Organic Food Fairs Case in Sicily
NEW MEDIT N. 3/2012
Annals of The American Academy of Political and Social Science, Issue 644, 2012: 121-133
Francesca Forno, Paolo Graziano, 2012
NEW MEDIT N. 3/2011
in International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food, 18(1): 28-53.
Citizenship and Consumption: Mobilisation in Alternative Food Systems in France
Sociologia Ruralis 51, 3 (2011) 304-323
Sophie DUBUISSON-QUELLIER, Claire Lamine, Ronan Le Velly, 2011
A Brief Chronicle of the Modern Japanese Consumer Cooperative Movement
Yoshiaki Saito, June 2010
Rethinking Prosperity: Forging Alternatives to a Culture of Consumerism
Bahá’í International Community’s Contribution to the 18th Session of the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development
May 2010
From value to values: sustainable consumption at farmers markets
Agriculture and Human Values December 2008, Volume 25, Issue 4, pp 487-498
Alison Hope Alkon, December 2008
Who are organic food consumers? A compilation and review of why people purchase organic food
Journal of Consumer Behaviour Volume 6, Issue 2-3, pages 94–110, March - June 2007
Renée Shaw Hughne, Pierre McDonagh, Andrea Prothero, Clifford J. Shultz II, Julie Stanton, June 2007
Exploring the application of the Ecological Footprint to sustainable consumption policy
John Barrett, Nia Cherret, Rachel Birch, January 2007
Alternative Strategies in the UK Agro-Food System: Interrogating the Alterity of Farmers’ Markets
Sociologia Ruralis Volume 44, Issue 4, pages 395–415, October 2004
James Kirwan, October 2004
Bartering for a Better Future? Community Currencies and Sustainable Consumption
Gill Seyfang, 2004
A 35(3) 393 – 411
Henk Renting, Terry K. Marsden, Jo Banks, 2003
Sociologia Ruralis Volume 42, Issue 4, pages 347–369, October 2002
Mary K. Hendrickson, William D. Heffernan, October 2002
Proposal Paper for the 21 century: Ethical Consumption
This Proposal Paper is a summary of the work by the Ethical Consumption Workshop.
Flavia Soares, November 2001
3 public contributions
The World of Community Supported Agriculture
Keynote for Urgenci Kobe Conference 2010
Elisabeth Henderson, February 2010
Fair Trade, Consumer Responsibility and the Cooperative Movement
Summary of the round table and workshops on Fair Trade, Consumer Responsibility and the Cooperative Movement during the 2003 World Social Forum, Porto Alegre, Brazil.
Pierre W. Johnson, January 2003
Ethical and responsible consumption
Synthesis of reflections on contemporary consumption culture and of the individual and collective actions for promoting a ethical and responsible consumption. The synthesis was presented during the plate-form for " Ethical consumption " for the Alliance for a responsible and united world.
Nelson Dielh, October 2000
5 articles
Responsible consumption : The greenwashing of fashion in 3 examples
Article of RIPESS Europe newsletter, december 2022
Brenda Chávez, December 2022
- The platform that makes visible the “Economic Circuit of the SSE”
Article from the RIPESS Europe newsletter - January 2022
Georgia Karavangeli, January 2022
SmarketPlace: everywhere in Europe?
Article from the RIPESS Europe newsletter - January 2022
Antonin Calderon, January 2022
RIPESS Europe,
APRÈS (GE), le réseau genevois de l’économie sociale et solidaire.
ENSIE #BuyResponsible Campaign
Article from the RIPESS Europe newsletter - December 2021
ENSIE, December 2021
SmartketPlace: Beyond Amazon and the GAFAM!
Article from the RIPESS Europe newsletter - April 2020
Antonin Calderon, Jean Rossiaud, April 2020
RIPESS Europe,
APRÈS (GE), le réseau genevois de l’économie sociale et solidaire.