Does GDP bring happiness? The need for new indicators
Themes : Redefining wealth : new indicators
A nation is said to be rich when it produces and sells and when it shows a high level of economic trade, a definition in use since the Second World War. Well-being is economic and material and entirely dependent on economic growth. However, using this factor as the only measure for a country’s wealth has been widely criticized. Proposals for new concepts have also emerged, such as a redefinition of the term wealth to encompass more than just economic wealth, and the inclusion of well-being and happiness, as embodied by Bhutan’s gross national happiness indicator.
Aside from the different shades of opinion that the authors and groups promoting these concepts apply to them, we can identify notions such as the satisfaction of basic needs, perceived not as a lack but as the potential for personal and collective development, in the spheres of food, housing, health, education, culture and participation in community life. We can also observe notions of equal opportunities, work and rewarding activities, natural resources and a protected living environment. Social ties and social time link the individual to the extended community.
These concepts are regaining credibility as they take on new meaning. Discussing the notions of wealth, well-being and happiness, even if these terms have become tarnished and polluted by the materialist content of a progress-driven society, has become an important citizen and democratic action, “a deliberate, conscious and collective assumption of responsibility for our destiny” (Méda, 1999).
In terms of public policies, redefining wealth entails the adoption of different assessment tools, a new system and new hierarchy of values, a new perception of “what really counts.”
The economic growth indicator that measures variations in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) poorly reflects a society’s well-being. Constantly cited, governments and the media see it as the symbol of success and progress, despite the many criticisms it has attracted over the last thirty years. It makes absolutely no attempt to address the question of qualitative content. It counts everything that has added value in a nation’s economy as a positive contribution, including spending that basically serves to repair the damage caused by human production and consumption activities (pollution, depletion of natural resources, accidents). Many activities and resources that contribute to well-being, such as unpaid activities, do not have any market value and are therefore excluded from the GDP. The GDP pays no heed to factors such as how the wealth thus created is distributed, environmental costs and working flexibility in most production sectors. Some important questions need asking: growth for whose benefit? What are the hidden social, environmental and human costs?
Green GDP, indicators of real wealth, human development, economic well-being and happiness are all ideas to help society endow itself with new elements that can shape our vision of the world, our values, the path we want to follow collectively.
Actors in the solidarity economy seek to promote an alternative development model. This goal depends on their capacity to bring about a change in representations of the economy and wealth, so that they are no longer dominated by the market and growth paradigm. The twofold challenge is to show how SSE initiatives and networks create specific collective benefits for society, and how they contribute to an alternative representation of the economy. This is why measuring what constitutes a society’s wealth is so crucial, both in terms of the criteria and mechanisms used to measure the common good (what is a community’s wealth?) and of indicators specific to the solidarity economy (how can it be valued and measured?).
6 publications
Co-operatives for Sustainable Communities Tools to Measure Co-operative Impact and Performance
The Measuring the Co-operative Difference has commissioned a book exploring themes and tools related to measuring co-operative impact and performance.
Edited by Leslie Brown, Chiara Carini, Jessica Gordon-Nembhard,, Lou Hammond-Ketilson, Elizabeth Hicks,, John McNamara, Sonja Novkovic, Daphne Rixon, Richard Simmons., The Centre for the Study of Co-operatives at the University of Saskatchewan, August 2015
A guide to Social Return on Investment (SROI) (revised)
The SROI Network (UK) Jeremy Nicholls, Ellis Lawlor, Eva Neitzert, Tim Goodspeed, The SROI Network (UK), January 2012
The Wealth of Nature. Economics as If Survival Mattered.
John Michael Greer, New society Publishers, United States, June 2011
A bit rich. Calculating the real value to society of different professions
December 2009
The Economics of Happiness Building Genuine Wealth
Mark Anielski, New Society Publishers, United States, June 2007
Real-life Economics: Understanding Wealth Creation.
Edited by Paul Ekins, Manfred Max-Neef, Routledge, London, UK., 1992
2 Videos
Social impact practice: reflections from social purpose organisations in France and the UK
Caring Economy Campaign Goes Beyond GDP: Social Wealth Economic Indicators
A pedagogical tool
One proposal
A well-being manifesto for a flourishing society
A well-being manifesto from NEF (New Economics Foundation) which seeks to answer the question « what would politics look like if promoting people’s well-being was one of government’s main aims? »
September 2004
32 Analyses/working papers/articles
Measuring What Matters Australia’s First Wellbeing Framework
Australian Government
Fairtrade: Exploring our impact. A review on research on Fairtrade from 2015 - 2020.
July 2022
CECOP Publication
Francesca Zaganelli,, Anton Möller,, Pedro Blazquez, Vincenzo De Bernardo, lerio VaPellirossi, February 2022
Cooperative identity as a yardstick for transformative change
Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics.
Sustainability 2021, 13, 12202.
Jhoner Perdomo, Mauricio Phélan Casanova, Sary Levy-Carciente, 2021
Sustainable Development Impact Indicators for Social and Solidarity Economy State of the Art
Working Paper 2019
Gabriel Salathé-Beaulieu, Marie J. Bouchard, Marguerite Mendell, May 2019
Conceptual Framework for the Purpose of Measurement of Cooperatives and its Operationalization
ILO Publication
Marie J. Bouchard, Madeg Le Guernic, Damien Rousselière, October 2017
National Wellbeing : Assessment of Change September 2016 release
Office for National Statistics UK
September 2016
The New Zealand Treasury’s Living Standards Framework - Exploring a Stylised Model
Girol Karacaoglu, September 2015
Final Report. Conference Tools to Measure Co-operative Performance and Impact, May 22-24 2014, Saint-Mary’s University
John McNamara, May 2014
Happy Country, Happy Government: How Useful are International Happiness Rankings?
Think piece UNRISD
Nadine van Dijk, Lizzie Spencer, Viviana Ramirez, March 2014
ILO Manual.Second version.
December 2013
BRAINPOoL deliverable 3.1, A collaborative project funded by the European Commission under the FP7 programme (Contract no. 283024). nef (the new economics foundation),
Charles Seaford, November 2013
Classification of Social economy organizations
Edith Jeanne Archambault, June 2013
Sustainable Australia Report 2013 CONVERSATIONS WITH THE FUTURE : summary
National Sustainability Council Australian Government
May 2013
Are Mental Models Shaping SSE Reality? Conceptualizing, Measuring and Evaluating SSE Performance
Think pieces for the UNRISD conference “Potential and Limits of Social and Solidarity Economy”. 6-8 May 2013
Benjamin R. Quiñones, Jr., May 2013
Measuring Progress Towards Sustainable Development Goals
Working paper IISD Report
Laszlo Pinter, January 2013
Book : National indicators and Social wealth
Erwin de Leon, December 2012
Australian Bureau of Statistics
November 2012
Redefining Progress in Light of the Ecological Crisis
Dominique Méda, November 2012
Review report on Beyond GDP indicators: categorisation, intensions and impacts.
Final version of BRAINPOoL deliverable 1.1, A collaborative project funded by the European Commission under the FP7 programme (Contract no. 283024). CUEC Prague
Tomáš Hák, Svatava Janoušková, Charles Seaford, Saamah Abdallah, Sorcha Mahony, October 2012
United Nations
Alexis J. Passadakis, April 2012
WellBeing, Choice and Sustainability. What should Economic Policy target in a new Era Economy
Amna Silim, April 2012
January 2012
21 hours. Why a shorter working week can help us all to flourish in the 21st century
February 2010
Report by the Commission on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress
Joseph E. Stiglitz, Amartya SEN, Jean-Paul FITOUSSI, September 2009
Measuring the impact of fair trade on development
Development in Practice, 19:6, 777-788
Guillermo Zúñiga-Arias, July 2009
Seven principles for measuring what matters .A guide to effective public policy-making
January 2009
José Barea Tejeiro, José Luis Monzón Campos, December 2006
Towards an Evaluation Framework for the Social Economy: Typologies and Effects
Concept paper written for the WSSE Dakar, Senegal meeting (Nov 19-21, 2005).
Marie J. Bouchard, Jérôme Leblanc, Valérie Michaud, October 2005
Economic Growth and Social Exclusion
Statement of the contradictions between the macroeconomic indicators - which influence government politics - and the reality of social problems - which are not taken into account.
Jaerson Bezerra, October 2000
3 public contributions
A response by the FAIR forum (Forum for Other Indicators of Wealth) to the draft summary report issued by the Stiglitz Commission on alternative indicators to GDP
July 2009
Designing Indicators for the Solidarity Economy
Concept paper written for the WSSE Dakar, Senegal meeting,2005
Bernardo Reyes, October 2005
Proposals for a plural assessment of wealth
List of the proposals that emerged from the seminar at the WSF2005.
January 2005
4 articles
REAS: Audit/Social Balance Report 2023
Article of RIPESS Europe newsletter, December 2023
REAS, Red de redes, December 2023
If you do Social and Solidarity Economy … Campaign ¡muÉSStrate!
Article from the RIPESS Europe newsletter - May 2021
May 2021
The Economist Placing Value on Black Women’s Overlooked Work
Article of the New York Times, February 5, 2021
February 2021
The UK should stop obsessing over GDP. Wellbeing is more telling
Opinion in The Guardian, June 10, 2019
Dan Button, June 2019
Proposals « For a solidary, prosperous, and green recovery in Quebec. »
G15+ (Chantier de l’économie sociale), January 2022