Social performance/social impact/social utility evaluation
Themes : Redefining wealth : new indicators
A company’s financial performance can draw on the tried and tested tools so important to funders, but how is its social performance assessed? A number of funders are starting to look at the social added value of their investments, with the result that more socially responsible indicators are appearing every year.
The primary mission of microfinance institutions (MFI) is to fight poverty and social exclusion. Measuring social performance would seem intrinsic to this mission. However, the question arises of whether they play an effective role in this fight and whether the financial services they offer are suited to it. Social performance indicators are vital at a time when MFI are subject to a great many problems—including outstanding payments, bankruptcies and massive loss of interest by clients—and criticism. In seeking to make disadvantaged populations’ access to the basic financial services of savings and credit profitable by applying increasingly similar techniques and rules to those used in commercial finance, does not microfinance risk appearing as a segment of the international finance market targeting the destitute?
Solidarity finance sees microcredit and savings as tools to be used for human and social development. Its core activity therefore comprises strengthening social ties, adapting to the contexts and environments it operates in, structuring social capital and helping its clients to become autonomous. It is thus necessary to create indicators for identifying and placing value on the real work undertaken by solidarity finance, and translate its social mission into practical terms.
Extended to other sectors of economic activity, social performance lies at the confluence of questions about what we consider as wealth at a macro level and social responsibility at company level.
The social utility approach, for example, aims to track down all the forms of value that do not spontaneously emerge at the forefront of companies’ productive activity, something that escapes economic valuation and economic calculation.
The concept of social impact (which is widely used) differs from that of social utility in that it considers the results and impacts of an activity independently of the intentions and values of those responsible for it, and of the purpose, modes of governance and status of the organisation implementing it (extract from the definition of Glossaire DEVISUS. Définitions de l’évaluation utilité/impact social.).
2 publications
A guide to Social Return on Investment (SROI) (revised)
The SROI Network (UK) Jeremy Nicholls, Ellis Lawlor, Eva Neitzert, Tim Goodspeed, The SROI Network (UK), January 2012
Dan Leighton, Claudia Wood, Demos, 2011
2 case studies
Fairtrade Impact map/Mapa de Impacto del Comercio Justo
Fairtrade International
February 2024
The Social Performance of ASHI: a Participatory Assessment
The SPI (Social Performance Indicators) initiative, now on its second phase, is testing the auditing tool developed in the first phase with selected MFIs in various parts of the world. The objectives of SPI Steering Committee in conducting this test are to check the accessibility, availability and reliability of the information provided, to define the questions precisely and to test the capacity of the tool to distinguish between different types of MFIs and different approaches to clients, in terms of social performances. One of those selected for an in-depth test of the social performance audit tool is Ahon Sa Hirap, Inc. (ASHI). ASHI engaged an external reviewer to administer the social performance audit. In the process, the external reviewer suggested adopting a participatory approach by involving the clients of ASHI in the external review. This report intends to describe this participatory approach to social performance assessment and to present the results of the experiment.
Mila M. Bunker, February 2005
7 Analyses/working papers/articles
Assessing the non-economic outcomes of social entrepreneurship in Luxembourg
Economie et Statistiques Working papers du STATEC N° 75
Francesco Sarracino, Andréa Gosset, July 2015
Review of impact assessment methodologies for ethical finance
Giacomo Pinaffo, Malcolm Hayday, Aurora Prospero, January 2015
Exploring the performance of social cooperatives during the economic crisis: the italian case
Euricse WP 59|13
Ericka Costa, Chiara Carini, 2013
Performance measurement in solidarity economy organizations The case of Fair Trade shops in Italy
Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 2012, vol. 83, issue 1, pages 25-59
Marco BELLUCCI, Luca Bagnoli, Mario Biggeri, Vittorio Rinaldi, 2012
Dan Leighton, Claudia Wood, 2011
Günther Lorenz, 2008
Presentation of the second phase of the Social Performance Indicators Initiative, aimed at defining a tool for auditing the social performance of Microfinance Institutions (MFIs).
October 2004
One charter/manifesto
Keeping companies at the heart of their own evaluation
Joint declaration VISES and TIESS
5 public contributions
Measuring social performance of micro-finance institutions
Concept paper written for the WSSE Dakar, Senegal meeting (Nov 19-21, 2005).
Cécile Lapenu, October 2005
This questionnaire on social performance is meant to bring additional information to financial assessments and to give a wider vision of MFIs performances.
June 2005
Operational Guide to the SPI Questionnaire
The operational guide is designed as a companion manual to help MFIs and external reviewers wanting to complete the Social Performance Indicators initiative (SPI) questionnaire.
June 2005
Social Performance Indicators: an Overview
Presentation on the Social Performance Indicators (SPI) made at the seminar: « Beyond growth worship: evaluation and indicators of real wealth » organized by Workgroup on Solidarity Socio-Economy (WSSE) Indicators workshop and AlterUqam, Quebec at the 2005 World Social Forum.
Benjamin R. Quiñones, Jr., January 2005
Measurement indicators for social performance
First draft of criteria and Indicators for social performance in solidarity finance
Yves Fournier, June 2003