democractic governance
9 publications
Civil Society, the Third Sector and Social Enterprise Governance and Democracy
Edited by Jean-Louis Laville, Denis Young, Philippe Eynaud, Routledge, USA, March 2015
Debt or Democracy Public Money for Sustainability and Social Justice
Mary Mellor, Pluto Press, UK, 2015
The Routledge Companion to Alternative Organization
Edited by Martin Parker, George Cheney, Valérie Fournier, Chris Land, Francis and Taylor, USA, May 2014
The Social and Solidarity Economy, a response to international challenges
(coord.) Thierry Jeantet, Anne-Marie Wioland-Sahabana, Editions Le Manuscrit, Paris, France, March 2014
Innovation and the Social Economy: The Quebec Experience
Edited by Marie J. Bouchard, University of Toronto Press, Scholarly Publishing Division, Canada., 2013
Managing Nonprofit Organizations
Mary Tschirhart, Wolfgang Bielefeld, John Wiley & Sons, USA, July 2012
The hidden alternative.Co-operative values, past, present and future.
Anthony Webster, Alyson Brown, David Stewart, Linda Shaw, John K. Walton, Manchester University Press, Great Britain, December 2011
Diet for a Hot Planet. The climate crisis at the end of your fork and what you can do about it.
Anna Lappé, Bloomsbury publishing plc, USA, April 2010
Alternative Budgets. Budgeting as if People Mattered.
John Loxley, Fernwood Publishing, Canada., 2003
One video
4 pedagogical tools
Guidelines for Running Effective, Democratic Meetings
SSE.E IVET : Training module 2. Democratic Management in the Social Solidarity Economy
Social Solidarity Economy in Europe : affirming a new paradigm trhough IVET curricula innovation
August 2018
Technologie-Netzwerk Berlin e. V.,
Solidarius Italia,
RIPESS Europe,
Transition Network
Social and Solidarity Economy: Our common road towards Decent Work
Reader for the ILO Academy on Social And Solidarity Academy 2011
Nancy Néamtan, Mathieu de Poorter, Leandro Pereira Morais, Bénédicte Fonteneau, Fredrick Wanyama, Carlo Borzaga, Giulia Galera, Tom Fox, Nathaneal Ojong, October 2011
One proposal
Building an Economy for People and Nature,
Justice Rising.Grassroots solution to Corporate domination VOL5 « 1 Fall 2010
September 2010
18 Analyses/working papers/articles
Democratic Governance. The Design of Governance Systems for Worker Cooperatives.
ICA Group, 2015
Redefining and combating poverty Human rights, democracy and common goods in today’s Europe
Trends in social cohesion, No. 25 Council of Europe Publishing
AA.VV., 2015
Social Co-operatives a Democratic Co-production Agenda for Care Services in the UK
Patrick Conaty, June 2014
Making Space for Economic Democracy: The Danish Wind Power Revolution
Think pieces for the UNRISD conference “Potential and Limits of Social and Solidarity Economy”. 6-8 May 2013
Andrew Cumbers, May 2013
The Effects of Participatory Budgeting on Municipal Expenditures and Infant Mortality in Brazil
World Development (2013), 2013 Elsevier Ltd., all rights reserved.
Sonia Gonçalves, 2013
Proposals for a Fair and Democratic Architecture of Power
contribution to the Peoples’ Summit, Rio+20, June 2012
June 2012
The commons: (Co)managing commonly owned resources
Proceedings of the symposium of 9 March 2012 in Brussels, Belgium
Ghislain ERREMBAULT, March 2012
October 2011
Working Paper Territory and Local Development: A Place-based Perspective
International Forum on Social and Solidarity Economy, FIESS 2011
Neil Bradford, October 2011
Exploring the diversity of Fair Trade social enterprises
Other worlds are possible. Human progress in an age of climate change
This sixth report from the Working Group on Climate Change and Development argues that our chances of triumphing over climate change will rise dramatically if we recognise that there we need not one but many models of human development.
November 2009
Solidarity-based Economy: Answers to Questions on a New Governance
Romain Biever, September 2009
Strategic Management in Social Economy - an overview of Social Solidarity Cooperatives in Portugal
No 806, CIRIEC Working Papers from CIRIEC - Université de Liège
Isabel NICOLAU, Ana SIMAENS, June 2008
The social economy in Australia: A research agenda
Jo Barraket, Michael Crozier, 2008
A new approach to comparing the democratic health of nations
Paul Skidmore, Kirsten Bound, 2008
Towards an Integrated Concept of Sustainability
Background paper for the Conference Sustainable Development Planning, Goethe Institute, Riga, November 2007
Joachim H. Dr. Spangenberg, November 2007
Cooperativization on the Mondragón Model As Alternative to Globalizing Capitalism
Alternatives to Globalization 2004 conference papers
Betsy Bowman, Bob Stone, 2004
5 public contributions
If You Don’t Like Capitalism or State Socialism, What Do You Want?
Thirty-First Annual E.F. Schumacher Lectures
Gar Alperovitz, November 2011
Climate Change and the Politics of Interdependence
Twenty-ninth Annual E. F. Schumacher Lectures (Copyright © 2009 New Economics Institute and Benjamin R. Barber
Benjamin R. Barber, 2009
Eat the Sky: The Climate Crisis at the End of Your Fork.
Anna Lappé, October 2008
International Legislation for Environment and Development
A statement presented to Working Group III of the Third session of the Preparatory Committee for the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED)
Creating a Post-Corporate World.
Twentieth Annual E. F. Schumacher Lectures October 2000, Salisbury, Connecticut
David C. Korten, October 2000
Web sites :
- European research network - EMES
- Participedia
- NESOL - Núcleo de Apoio às Atividades de Extensão em Economia Solidária , da Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil
- Municipios con presupuestos participativos
- ASSOAL - Association pour le dévelopement local Cameroun
- Small Planet Institute
- Grassroot Economic Organizing
- Claudio Nascimento, Socialismo autogestionario
- Orçamento participativo Prefeitura de Porto Alegre
- CAp Gouvernance
- Chaire Alter-Gouvernance, Université d’Auvergne
- Jean-Louis Laville