complementary currency
31 publications
Reflections and Practice
William O. Ruddick, Grassroots economic foundation, February 2025
The Transition starts here, now and together
Rob Hopkins, Lionel Astruc, Editions Actes Sud, Arles, France, October 2017
The Big Shift. Rethinking Money, Tax, Welfare and Governance for the Next Economic System
Deirdre Kent, Living economies, New Zealand, 2017
Community currencies. Opportunities and challenges for local government.
Joost Bos, Becky Booth, CCIA partners at Amsterdam East council, May 2015
Social and Solidarity Economy. Beyond the Fringe.
Peter Utting, ZED books UK, April 2015
People Powered Money. Designing, developing & delivering community currencies.
Community Currencies in Action (CCIA), Community Currencies in Action (CCIA), 2015
The Routledge Companion to Alternative Organization
Edited by Martin Parker, George Cheney, Valérie Fournier, Chris Land, Francis and Taylor, USA, May 2014
Rethinking money. How new currencies turn scarcity into prosperity.
Bernard Lietaer, Jacky Dunne, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, United States, February 2013
Where does money come from? A guide to the UK monetary and banking system. Second Edition.
Josh Ryan Collins, Tony Greenham, Richard Andreas Werner, Andrew Jackson, November 2012
Occupy money: Creating an economy where everybody wins.
Margrit Kennedy, New Society Publishers, United States, October 2012
People Money: The Promise of Regional Currencies
Margrit Kennedy, Bernard Lietaer, John Rogers, Triarchy Press, UK, July 2012
Money and Sustainability: The Missing Link
A report of the Club of Rome - EU chapter
Bernard Lietaer, Christian Arnsperger, Stefan Brunnhuber, Sally Dr.Goerner, Triarchy Press, UK, 2012
Thirty Years of Community and Complementary Currencies
2012 Special Issue of JJCRR International Journal of Community Currency Researc
Edited by Jérôme Blanc, 2012
Sacred Economics: Money, Gift, and Society in the Age of Transition.
Charles Eisenstein, Evolver Editions, United States, July 2011
Creating Wealth. Growing Local Economies with Local Currencies.
Bernard Lietaer, Gwendolyn Hallsmith, New Society Publishers, United States, May 2011
Exploring Community Resilience
Nick Wilding, Fiery Spirits, UK and Carnegie Trust UK, 2011
Bernard Lietaer, Stephen Belgin, Qiterra Press, 2011
Keith Hart, Jean-Louis Laville, Antonio David Cattani (Editors), Polity, Cambridge, October 2010
Your Money Or Your Life: Time For Both
Martin Simon, Freedom Favours, UK, 2010
The end of Money and the Future of Civilization
Thomas H. Greco, Chelsea Green Publishers, UK, April 2009
Argentina’s Parallel Currency The Economy of the Poor
Georgina M. Gómez, Pickering and Chatto Publishers, London, UK, 2009
Money matters : Putting the eco into economics - global crisis, local solutions
David Boyle, Alastair Sawday Publishing, UK, 2009
The new economics of sustainable consumption : Seeds of change
Gill Seyfang, Palgrave Macmillan, UK, 2009
Peter North, Ashgate Publishing, Limited, December 2005
Healthy Money, healthy planet : Developing Sustainability through New Money Systems
Deirdre Kent, Craig Potton publishing, New Zealand, June 2005
No More Throw-Away People: The Co-Production Imperative (2nd edition)
Edgar S. Cahn, Essential books Ltd, Usa, 2004
Environment and Welfare.Towards a Green Social Policy.
Edited by Tony Fitzpatrick, Michael Cahill, Palgrave Macmillan, New York, USA, January 2003
Andrew Leyshon, Roger Lee, Colin C. Williams, Sage Publications Ltd, London, UK., 2003
Short Circuit: Strengthening Local Economies in an Unstable World
Expanded online edition published June 2003 with updates by Richard Douthwaite, Joanne Elliott and Caroline Whyte.
Richard Douthwaite, The Liliput Press, Dublin, Ireland., 2003
The money changers : currency reform from Aristotle to e-cash.
David Boyle, Earthscan, 2002
The future of Money : creating new wealth, work and a wiser world
Bernard Lietaer, Random House, UK, 2002
2 thesis
From Client to Comrade: Alternative Currency and Market Relations in Mexico
Thesis, University of Manchester for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Faculty of Humanities
Jeremy John Gunson, 2019
MAKING MARKETS. The institutional rise and decline of the Argentine Red de Trueque.
Doctoral thesis, Institute of Social Studies: The Hague (NL)
Georgina M. Gómez, April 2008
36 Videos
Democratizing Monetary Issue: Tools for Resilience | Schumacher Conversations
September 2023
Minga, a multi-solution cooperative in Portugal
March 2022
Series of videos: Taking back our economy
Democratizing money for a stable, sustainable and fair future | Christian Gelleri | TEDxKassel
October 2019
Audio : Beyond Money Podcast : Episode 3. Will Ruddick
April 2019
Audio : Beyond Money Podcast : Episode 1. Thomas Greco
Thomas H. Greco, March 2019
Audio : Beyond Money Podcast : Episode 2. Heloisa Primavera
February 2019
Unblock HongKong - Interview with Will Ruddick - Director at BANCOR
William O. Ruddick, September 2018
How to Give People the Same Power As Banks
William O. Ruddick, June 2018
Documentary on Will Ruddick and Kenyan Community Currencies (HD)
William O. Ruddick, November 2017
The power of a local currency | Florence Siegenthaler | TEDxBasel
October 2017
May 2017
May 2017
Thomas Greco - A World Without Money and Interest
December 2016
Rob Hopkins on Local Currency as Community Wealth Expander July 2015
July 2015
The New Currency with Henk van Arkel
February 2015
Thomas Greco (Economist) - Sacrée croissance - ARTE
Marie-Monique Robin, November 2014
Bernard Lietaer - Why money needs to change now!
November 2014
Parc -Toronto
June 2014
Bangla-Pesa - Empowering a Grassroots Economy
William O. Ruddick, October 2013
Local Currencies for Global Resilience
June 2013
Georgina Gómez : Trading Scale for Solidarity in the Community Currency Systems in Argentina.
UNRISD conference “Potential and Limits of Social and Solidarity Economy”, Geneva, 6-8 May 2013
May 2013
William O. Ruddick, 2013
TEM - a complementary currency in Volos
Copyright SBS (Special Broadcasting Service Corporation, Australie)
December 2012
The Future of Money. Bernard Lietaer 2012 Time for Change Presents Part 1, 2 and 3
Bernard Lietaer, 2012
Bernard Lietaer: Money diversity
November 2011
JAK Bank Report Part 1-4 - Ethics
Bernard Lietaer « Why this crisis? And what to do about it? » @ TEDx Berlin 11/30/09
November 2009
Ludwig Schuster, June 2009
September 2008
© Paul Grignon
Paul Grignon, 2006
Coming Home—E. F. Schumacher and the Reinvention of the Local Economy
Chris Bedford, 2003
5 pedagogical tools
Polypoly. The 21th Century economic world-building game
June 2020
Syllabus: Solidarity Economy Movements
Craig Borowiak, April 2016
Community currencies. Opportunities and challenges for local government.
CCIA partners at Amsterdam East council Joost Bos, Becky Booth, May 2015
People Powered Money. Designing, developing & delivering community currencies.
Community Currencies in Action (CCIA), 2015
No small change. Evaluating the success of your community currency project
April 2014
3 proposals
Thomas H. Greco, August 2016
This document has been put together by Gustavo Marín with the help of Germà Pelayo and contributions from Cândido Grzybowski, Matthieu Calame, Jorge Romano and Paul Raskin. It is based on presentations and discussions that focused on the economy during the seminar organized by Ibase, the Forum for a new World Governance (FnWG) and Euralat in Rio de Janeiro from 10 to 12 August 2011. It is of course a work in progress, and will benefit from further critiques and contributions.
Gustavo Marin, December 2011
Proposal paper for the 21 century : Social Money: Lever of the Economic Paradigm
This Proposal Paper is a summary of the work by the « Social Money as a Lever for the New Economic Paradigm » Workshop.
Heloisa Primavera, November 2001
16 case studies
THIS IS WHAT DEMOCRACY IN OHIO LOOKS LIKE! Ohio’s democratic/self-determination “infrastructure”
American Friends Service Committee Northeast Ohio Office, January 2017
Stroud Pound: A Local Currency to Map, Measure and Strengthen the Local Economy
Molly Scott Cato, Marta Suárez, 2012
The meanings of social currency on a peripheral neighborhood of a large urban center in Brazil.
International Conference on Community and Complementary Currencies 2011: “Thirty years of community and complementary currencies – what next?”,February 16 – February 17, 2011, Lyon, France
Juliana de Oliveira Barros Braz, Diego dos Santos Veiga Silva, February 2011
Chiemgauer, Germany and Banco Palmas, Brazil
Social money for sound community development
Miguel Yasuyuki Hirota, January 2009
Bia Kud Chum, a Thai Experience in Community Currency
Rajni Bakshi, September 2008
The South African New Economics (SANE)
Rajni Bakshi, September 2008
Residual Barter Networks and Macro-Economic Stability: Switzerland’s Wirtschaftsring
James Stodder, December 2007
Time Banks in the UK: Building Sustainable Communities
The challenge to create sustainable communities is identified as a core priority in ‘Securing The Future’, the UK government’s strategy for sustainable development. Tackling social exclusion and building neighbourhood engagement are seen as principal elements of that objective, and there is an urgent need for tools and initiatives to achieve these aims. Community currencies are a grassroots innovation which claim to meet those goals. They are initiatives which develop and utilise an alternative medium of exchange, to enable people to trade goods and services without using cash.
Gill Seyfang, September 2006
Ecological Footprint of the Findhorn Foundation and Community
Stephen Tinsley, Heather George, August 2006
BNB - The alternative currency of the Social Economy Network Cooperative in Basel, Switzerland
The SANE Community Exchange System, South Africa
Tim Jenkin, June 2004
Many have a wait and see attitude to innovative proposals of this nature, but they shouldn’t with the Terra. The TRC reduces risk, stabilizes the world economy and is a more cost effective approach for international business.”
Takashi Kiuchi, 2004
LETS get real: constraints on the development of Local Exchange Trading Schemes
Presentation of Tucson Traders , USA
Thomas H. Greco, March 2001
Stories from an Appalachian Community
Twentieth Annual E. F. Schumacher Lectures October 2000, Salisbury, Connecticut
Marie Cirillo, 2000
Cereal Banks: Receipt of Deposit as a Method for Improving Liquidity at the Local Level
Peter Moers, 2000
77 Analyses/working papers/articles
Urban Regions. Social and Solidarity Economy & Social Innovation
Avise, RTES et France Urbaine, April 2022
Conjunctions, Transdisciplinary Journal of Cultural Participation, vol 5, n°1
Luciane Lucas Dos Santos, 2018
David Bollier, Patrick Conaty, January 2016
Cooperativa Integral Minga in the Alentejo Region . New Production Practices of Solidarity.
Jorge Gonçalves, 2016
Journal Technology Analysis & Strategic Management Volume 28, 2016 - Issue
Gill Seyfang, Noel Longhurst, 2016
Public Policy for a Social Economy
Journal of peer Production, issue #7
John Restakis, July 2015
Social and Solidarity Economy: Beyond the Fringe? Introductory chapter
Peter Utting, April 2015
Isidor Wallimann, March 2015
UK Houses of Parliament. Office of Science and Technology. Postnote Number 475 August 2014
Paul Gilbert, Caroline Kenny POST, August 2014
International Review of Sociology: Revue Internationale de Sociologie. Publisher: Routledge.
Isidor Wallimann, April 2014
The complementary currency systems: a tricky issue for economists
Complementary currency systems questioning social and economic changes
Marie Fare, Pépita Ould-Ahmed, 2014
Community Development Banks: Enabling Access to Finance for Poor Communities
Think pieces for the UNRISD conference “Potential and Limits of Social and Solidarity Economy”. 6-8 May 2013
Camille Meyer, Leonardo Prates Leal, September 2013
Currencies of transition. Transforming money to unleash sustainability.
© Chapter of « The Necessary Transition:the journeu towards the sustainable enterprise economy », Greenleaf Publishing
Thomas H. Greco, Jem Bendell, June 2013
Solidarity Finance and Public Policy: The Brazilian experience of community development banks
NGLS Working Paper 2013 (Draft)
Augusto Câmara Neiva, Juliana de Oliveira Barros Braz, Diogo Jamra Tsukumo, Joao Joaquim de Melo Neto Segundo, May 2013
Want to really help expand Social and Solidarity Economy? Then start rethinking money!
Think pieces for the UNRISD conference “Potential and Limits of Social and Solidarity Economy”. 6-8 May 2013
Christian Arnsperger, May 2013
Kenyan Businesswomen Transforming Slum Economies through Complementary Currencies
Think pieces for the UNRISD conference “Potential and Limits of Social and Solidarity Economy”. 6-8 May 2013
Morgan Richards, William O. Ruddick, May 2013
An Impossible Marriage: Solidarity Economy and Monetary Economy
UNRISD conference “Potential and Limits of Social and Solidarity Economy”, Geneva, 6-8 May 2013
Anitra Nelson, May 2013
PARALLEL CURRENCIES FOR THE EUROZONE.An outline and an attempt at systemisation.
Ludwig Schuster, March 2013
Complementary Currencies for Sustainable Development in Kenya: The Case of the Bangla-Pesa
Submitted to: University of Rotterdam – ISS
Reduced Work Time, Participatory Democracy and Time Currency
Bruno Théret, December 2012
Economic democracy: A path for the future?
Futures Volume 44, Issue 6, August 2012, Pages 562–570
Nadia Johanisova, Stephan Wolf, August 2012
Rausp. Revista de Administração., São Paulo, v.47, n.3, p.500-515, jul./ago/set. 2012
Genauto Carvalho de França Filho, Jeová Torres Silva Júnior, Ariádne Scalfoni Rigo, July 2012
Multiple authors, July 2012
Social and solidarity based economy, what opportunities for sustainable consumption in times of crisis and beyond? Marlyne Sahakian, pp.190-206
Sylvia Lorek, Julia Backhaus, May 2012
Growing Green Money? Mapping Community Currencies for Sustainable Development
Paper for SCORAI conference, June 2013
Gill Seyfang, Noel Longhurst, May 2012
Policies of Microcredit in Brazil : an analysis from the case of Community Development Banks (CDBs)
Revue du MAUSS permanente, 3 mars 2012 [en ligne].
Genauto Carvalho de França Filho, March 2012
Energising money: An introduction to energy currencies and accounting
Desperado Pérez, 2012
Currency Pluralism and Economic Stability: The Swiss Experience
The Swiss complementary currency WIR is a classic example of monetary creation managed by economic agents lying outside the traditional banking system. When faced with tightening of credit or liquidity crises, Swiss small businesses increase their WIR transactions; when conditions improve, they return to the Swiss franc. This countercyclical effect illustrates the potential for parallel currencies to serve as tools for macroeconomic stability.
Wojtek Kalinowski, November 2011
International Conference on Community and Complementary Currencies 2011: “Thirty years of community and complementary currencies – what next?”,February 16 – February 17, 2011, Lyon, France
Krister Volkmann, February 2011
Harnessing Grassroots Innovations: Complementary Currencies and Sustainability
International Conference on Community and Complementary Currencies 2011: “Thirty years of community and complementary currencies – what next?”,February 16 – February 17, 2011, Lyon, France
Gill Seyfang, Noel Longhurst, February 2011
Local Exchange Trade Systems in the Central European Post Communist Countries
International Conference on Community and Complementary Currencies 2011: “Thirty years of community and complementary currencies – what next?”,February 16 – February 17, 2011, Lyon, France
Petr JELÍNEK, Zsuzsanna Eszter SZALAY, Alois KONEČNÝ, February 2011
“Selling Scrip to America: Ideology, Self-Help and the Experiments of the Great Depression”
International Conference on Community and Complementary Currencies 2011: “Thirty years of community and complementary currencies – what next?”,February 16 – February 17, 2011, Lyon, France
Sarah ELVINS, February 2011
Classifying “CCs”: Community, complementary and local currencies’ types and generations
International Conference on Community and Complementary Currencies 2011: “Thirty years of community and complementary currencies – what next?”,February 16 – February 17, 2011, Lyon, France
Jérôme Blanc, February 2011
Working paper to be presented at the International Conference on Community and Complementary Currencies Thirty years of community and complementary currencies – what next? February 16-17th, 2011, Lyon-France
Irene Sotiropoulou, February 2011
Degrowth and the supply of money in an energy-scarce world
Ecological Economics xxx (2011) xxx–xxx. Elsevier.
Richard Douthwaite, 2011
“Economic activity in Greece without official currency: The terms and their economies
in VALEONTIS, C. (ed.): Hellenic language and terminology – Communications of the 8th Conference, Hellenic Society for Terminology, Athens – Greece, pp. 203-217.
Irene Sotiropoulou, 2011
Journal of Innovation Economics, no 8 (2011/2), p. 89-117
Irene Sotiropoulou, 2011
Exploring Community Resilience
Carnegie UK Trust
Nick Wilding, 2011
International Journal of Community Currency Research Volume 15 (2011) Section A 1-12 ISSN 1325-‐9547
William O. Ruddick, 2011
Money Soup: A Legal Guide to Bartering, Giving, and Getting Stuff without Dollars
Janelle Orsi, 2010
A design of Complementary Community Currencies for education
Josep Lluis de la Rosa, March 2009
International Journal of Community Currency Research Vol 13 (2009) pp.76 - 94
Marusa Vasconcelos Freire, January 2009
Money, Markets and Climate Change
11th Conference of the Association for Heterodox Economics, Kingston University, London July 9-12th 2009, with an earlier version presented to the Seventh Annual Conference of the Society for Heterodox Economics, Sydney, December 8, 2008
Shann Turnbull, December 2008
November 2008
File: An Economics for well-being
Rajni Bakshi, September 2008
Understanding and Reclaiming Money Creation: Our Experiences Creating the North Quabbin Timebank
edited by the Solidarity Economy Work Group, conference proceedings from the U.S. Social Forum, pp. 139-154.
Karen Werner, 2008
Community Banks – Microcredit & Social Currencies The case of Brazil
White Paper on All the Options for Managing a Systemic Bank Crisis
Bernard Lietaer, Robert Dr. Ulanowicz, Sally Dr.Goerner, 2008
Sustainable Consumption and the New Economics: Exploring an Alternative Approach.
CSERGE Working Paper ECM 07-05
Gill Seyfang, May 2007
Personal Carbon Trading: Lessons from Complementary Currencies
Efforts to mitigate climate change through managing carbon emissions are prompting new and imaginative policy proposals. One untested proposal to issue tradable carbon emission allowances (carbon currency) to all UK citizens, with the aim of limiting and reducing carbon emissions, is known as Personal Carbon Trading (PCT). The lack of empirical experience with PCT hinders its development, and so this paper makes a conceptual link with the field of complementary currencies (CCs) to explore similarities and derive lessons for success to aid the development and implementation of PCT.
Gill Seyfang, April 2007
Local Currencies in European History: an Analytical Framework
A discussion of local currencies in European history, starting with the end of medieval times and ending with the 1970s, leading to the presentation of an analytical framework that should be useful in order to understand today’s local currencies movement. (Text presented at the Monetary Regionalisation conference, 28-29th September 2006, Weimar, Germany.)
Jérôme Blanc, September 2006
Establishing Time Based Community Currencies: Means of Measure, Exchange and Storage
Stephan Hawranick Serra, March 2006
February 2006 issue of Vermont Commons, USA.
Hazel Henderson, February 2006
Independent Study Project (ISP) Collection. Paper 271.
Caroline Whistler,, 2006
The Role of the Individual in Localizing Money Issue and Credit Creation
Twenty-Fifth Annual E. F. Schumacher Lectures October 2005, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA
Process of Designing and Implementing a Complementary Currency System
Stephen DeMeulenaere, 2006
Local Scrip in the USA During the 1930s: Lessons for Today?
Loren Gatch, 2006
Social Money and the new economic paradigm
Presentation given at the Toubab Dialaw meeting, 19 November 2005, by Stephen Demeulenaere from the Social Money Workshop.
Stephen DeMeulenaere, November 2005
Complementary currency systems and the new economic paradigm
Concept paper written for the WSSE Dakar, Senegal meeting (Nov 19-21, 2005).
Stephen DeMeulenaere, October 2005
Why Do We Need Monetary Innovation?
Three common Misconceptions Three threatening Results Three possible Solutions
Margrit Kennedy, 2005
The power of facts Lessons from complementary currencies in Argentina
European Conference on Community Currencies Bad Honnef, July 18-22nd, 2004
Heloisa Primavera, July 2004
Bartering for a Better Future? Community Currencies and Sustainable Consumption
Gill Seyfang, 2004
International regulations and social money: well timed permanence or a break from normality
Preparatory Meeting for the launching of the Workshop on International Regulations within the context of a Solidarity Socio-Economy in an era of Neo-liberal Globalization Tokyo, October 9-11 2003.
Heloisa Primavera, October 2003
Comment on the Wörgl Experiment with Community Currency and Demurrage
The text looks at demurrage, which is the intentional depreciation of a currency over time, the main object being to prevent its being hoarded and to speed its circulation from hand to hand. The most celebrated case in which a demurrage currency was issued was that of the Austrian town of Wörgl.
Thomas H. Greco, May 2002
Local currency as a development strategy
A mathematical model on the use of local currencies
Rajshri Jayaraman, Mandar Oak, March 2001
Social money : Well timed permanence or break from normality ?
Document for the debate of the Social Money Workshop. The author, inspired by the global network of barter of solidarity in Latin America, digs into money as a social phenomenon.
Heloisa Primavera, January 2001
Parallel currencies : evaluation and theorical background of the phenomenon
Critical reappraisal of the money concept and general view of monetary uses.Centre de Recherches Walras, Lyon, France.
Jérôme Blanc, August 1998
Sarah van Gelder talks to Bernard about the possibilities for a new kind of currency better suited to building community and sustainability.
Bernard Lietaer, May 1998
WIR and the Swiss National Economy
Published by the WIR Bank, Basel. Title of German original: “WIR in unserer Volkswirtschaft”
Tobias Dr. Studer, 1998
Community Currency Systems: A Co-operative Option for the Developing World ?
Peter Moers, 1998
Local Exchange Trading Systems–A Rural Response to the Globalization of Capitalism?
Michael Pacione, 1997
Seva International; 1995 by Margrit Kennedy
Margrit Kennedy, 1995
Local Currencies: Catalysts for Sustainable Regional Economies
Robert Swann, Susan Witt, 1995
2 Charter/Manifesto
April 2012
Manifesto Human and Resources Economic system
8 public contributions
List of abstracts
June 2013
Complementary currencies for sustainable local economies in Central America
International Conference on Community and Complementary Currencies 2011: “Thirty years of community and complementary currencies – what next?”,February 16 – February 17, 2011, Lyon, France
Erick Brenes M., February 2011
ESF II: Report of the workshop: Money Moves the World
The report of the « Money Moves the World » workshop held at the European Social Forum 2003 on Thursday November 13th in Paris Saint-Denis, France.
November 2003
A short report on some CCs in Kyushu, Western Japan.
Miguel Yasuyuki Hirota, September 2003
Wealth, money and power: the ephemeral “Argentinean miracle” of the exchange networks
This text is Heloisa Primavera’s presentation during the introduction to the National Day of Solidarity-Based Barter and Economy, organized on 6 September 2002 by the Instituto del Conurbano, the Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento and the PNUD. It was one of the reports from the panel on the phenomenon of money within barter networks and contributes to an understanding of the Argentine « case » from a more anthropological and predictive perspective.
Heloisa Primavera, December 2002
The Development of Islamic Banking and its Importance in the Emergence of Economic Democracy
In June of 2001, a Symposium on Islamic banking and finance was held in Malaysia. This is the text of a welcoming keynote speech given by former Malaysian Prime Minister, Dr. Mahathir Bin Mohamad.
Thomas H. Greco, November 2002
Memorandum from the Social Money Workshop meeting (Santiago, Chile, April 2001)
Report on the seminar on the topics of social money and new forms of economy of solidarity.
Antonio Romero, April 2001
A Pictorial History of Community Currency Systems
Stephen DeMeulenaere, 2000
13 articles
Interview with Ekaterina Dimitrova, Project Manager, Monnaie Léman, Geneva, Switzerland
Spotlight Interviews with Co-operators
November 2023
SmartketPlace: after a successful first step in Geneva, ready to open for Europe
Article of RIPESS Europe newsletter, Februrary 2023
Jean Rossiaud, February 2023
RIPESS Europe,
APRÈS (GE), le réseau genevois de l’économie sociale et solidaire.
Maricá (Brazil): Social Currency Mumbuca
Article of RIPESS Europe newsletter, November 2022
Basilia Orozco, Diario El Analista, Argentine, November 2022
RIPESS Europe members’ contributions to the Strasbourg conference
Article from the RIPESS Europe newsletter - May 2022
May 2022
RIPESS Europe,
Article from the RIPESS Europe newsletter - March 2022
Constance André-Aigret, March 2022
A look back at the 6th “Collectivities & Local Currencies” meeting in Lyon
Article from the RIPESS Europe newsletter - December 2021
RTES, December 2021
The Power of Local Money for a Thriving Local Economy
Article of Yes! Mafazine, 09/07/2021
Jackie Brown, July 2021
The time has come to create a livelihood income by democratising money
Article from the RIPESS Europe newsletter - February 2021
Eric Dacheux, February 2021
Spain: MedTOWN’s Seville Local Currency is moving forward
MedTOWN, February 2021
The City of Geneva supports Monnaie Léman!
Article from the RIPESS Europe newsletter - December 2020
Antonin Calderon, Jean Rossiaud, December 2020
RIPESS Europe,
APRÈS (GE), le réseau genevois de l’économie sociale et solidaire.
Short on Money, Cities Around the World Try Making Their Own
Article by CityLab, August 7, 2020
Peter Yeung, August 2020
SmartketPlace: Beyond Amazon and the GAFAM!
Article from the RIPESS Europe newsletter - April 2020
Antonin Calderon, Jean Rossiaud, April 2020
RIPESS Europe,
APRÈS (GE), le réseau genevois de l’économie sociale et solidaire.
The US city preparing itself for the collapse of capitalism
Article of The Guardian, 31/10/2019
Alexandra Marvar, October 2019
Web sites :
- There are other alternatives - TAOA
- Prf. Dr. Margrit Kennedy Komplementäre Währungen
- Université Lumière Lyon 2 (LEFI)
- Schumacher Center for a New Economics : Curriculum for a new economics
- Colloque International sur les monnaies sociales et complémentaires
- Complementary Currency Resource Center
- Institut Veblen pour les réformes économiques
- International Journal of Community Currency Research - IJCCR
- Dr. Gill Seyfang
- Social Economy network Cooperative Basel
- Sustainable Economies Law Center
- MUSE - Monnaies à Usage Solidaire et Ecologique
- Solidarius
- Vivir sin empleo: Trueque, bancos de Tiempo, monedas sociales y otras alternativas
- Encuentro Estatal de monedas sociales y complementarias
- Yes! Magazine
- The perfect currency
- Ecounit
- Community forge
- AISES - Association Internationale pour le Soutien aux Economies Sociétales
- Passerelle Eco
- Ethical markets
- ABDT - Asociación para el Desarrollo de los Bancos de Tiempo Personas unidas por un objetivo común: Mejorar los Bancos de Tiempo
- The global Transition to a new Economy
- Sol-violette, Toulouse, France
- Fundacion Ahora A.C.
- Associazione Nazionale Banche del Tempo - BDT
- Arcipelago SCEC
- Koru Kenya
- Financité
- Community Currency Knowledge Gateway
- STRO Social Trade Organization
- Currency solutions for a wiser world
- Research Association on Monetary Innovation and Community and Complementary Currency Systems (RAMICS)
- Bancos de Tiempo
- Coreum
- Institut des monnaies locales complémentaires
- Association Pour une Monnaie Locale Complémentaire Citoyenne en Vendée
- Eusko-Euskal Moneta