local development
Definition of ”local development“ on:
10 publications
Local is our future. Steps to an Economics of happiness
Helena Norberg-Hodge, Local Futures, USA
Social and Solidarity-based Economy and Territory From Embeddedness to Co-construction
Xabier Itçaina, Nadine Richez-Battesti, CIRIEC
STIR Issue 19, Autumn 2017 : Community Wealth Building: Reorganising the Economy for All
AA.VV., Stir to Action, September 2017
ECOVILLAGE - 1001 ways to heal the planet
Edited by Kosha Joubert, Leila Dregger, Global Ecovillage Network, GEN, Scotland, 2015
Localization: Essential Steps to an Economics of Happiness
Helena Norberg-Hodge, Local Futures/International Society for Ecology and Culture, United States, 2014
Growing Local living economies : A Grassroots Approach to Economic Development
Michael H. Shuman, Kate Poole, Business Alliance for Local Living Economies - BALLE, Bellingham, Wa- USA, January 2013
Michael H. Shuman, Chelsea Green Publishing, United States, 2011
The Great Transition. A tale of how it turned out right.
Stephen Spratt, Andrew Simms, Eva Neitzert, Josh Ryan Collins, New Economics Foundation, UK, October 2009
Bringing the Food Economy Home: Local Alternatives to Global Agribusiness
Helena Norberg-Hodge, Todd Merrified, Steven Gorelick, Local Futures/International Society for Ecology and Culture United States, 2002
Transcending Neoliberalism. Community-Based Development in Latin America
Edited by Henry Veltmeyer, Anthony O’Malley, Kumarian Press, May 2001
2 thesis
Master in social economics cooperatives and non-profit organiisationsIONS, Universitat Valencia
Esther M. Schmitt, September 2015
Social Inventors for Territories where Life can be Lived Martine Theveniaut - Detailed Summary 2015
Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Sociology, supervised by Jean-Louis Laville,Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers Paris, presented in 2007 and updated between 2014 and 2015.
Martine Theveniaut, 2015
23 Videos
Local Futures
November 2023
Localizing Production: Communities Supporting Industry
Part of the 2023 series Schumacher Conversations: Envisioning the Next 50 Years
March 2023
Solidarity Economy Association webinar: Cooperation Jackson
December 2022
Going local: reclaiming the commons, building resilience with Chris Wood
Video by Local Futures
January 2022
UNRISD’s Guidelines for Local Governments on Policies for Social and Solidarity Economy by Nunchi
February 2021
Documentary « Solidarity Economy in Barcelona »
Miguel Yasuyuki Hirota, February 2020
Some vidéos from 2018 Chicago Cooperative Economy Summit
Midwest Socialist
September 2018
Audio : The Solidarity Economy
Midwest Socialist
September 2018
Audio : How Residents of an English Town Took Governance and the Local Economy Into Their Own Hands
Upstream conversations
April 2017
September 2016
Susy Project
June 2016
May 2016
Be part of CSA! Participă în parteneriatele de Agricultură susținută de comunitate
March 2016
IES: Initiatives for a Solidarity Economy, Midi-Pyrénées, France
December 2015
ATIS: Territories Association and Social Innovation - Aquitaine, France
December 2015
October 2015
Voices of the Impact Economy: Michael Lewis and Michel Bauwens on Economic Democracies
October 2015
Solikon 2015: Solidarische Ökonomie-Initiativen und -Netze in Südeuropa
September 2015
A Localist Agenda: Policy and Politics for Building a Community-Scaled Economy
August 2014
The Impact of the Social Economy
UNRISD conference “Potential and Limits of Social and Solidarity Economy”, Geneva, 6-8 May 2013
Ananya Mukherjee-Reed, May 2013
Building Resilient Local Economies through Local Investment: Michael Shuman (Post Carbon Institute)
October 2012
September 2008
6 pedagogical tools
Localization, is it the solution?
Local Futures/Economics of Happyness, July 2021
Textbooks and teaching guides of Center for Citizenship Education
Educational resources of Leeds Development Education Centre
SCALE, August 2014
Healthy Food Systems: A Toolkit for Building Value Chains
Anthony Flaccavento Appalachian Sustainable Development, July 2009
30 case studies
Roadmap to Self-sufficient BUMDes, Indonesia
Eko Pambudi, November 2019
Cooperation Chicago: Building Chicago’s Worker Cooperative Ecosystem
White paper by Illinois Worker Cooperative Alliance and The John Marshall Law School-Chicago Business Enterprise Law Clinic.
August 2018
Transformative cities - Atlas of Utopias
Metabolic, The Netherlands, 2018
Ajuntament de Barcelona
April 2017
Cities Developing Worker Coops: Efforts in Ten Cities
Michelle Camou, August 2016
How Communities Can Regenerate Urban Contexts. The Case Study of Hackney Co-operative Development.
Euricse Working Papers, 87|16
Michele Bianchi, 2016
Status of Social Economy Development in Seoul A Case Study of Seoul
Yeon Ah KIM, JUNG Taein, 2016
March 2015
Bristol City Council and Urbact
GSEF Asia Policy Dialogue 2015_JinYong Kang_Korea/GSEF 아시아정책대화, 강진용, 한국
Brighton & Hove Food Poverty Action Plan - A whole city approach to tackling food poverty.
Brighton and Hove Food Partnership, 2015
UH Vision 2010 Program in Cleveland, OH: Exemplary Purchasing by an Anchor Institution
Brief RELIESS n° 11
March 2014
The Deccan Development Society in India
International Newsletter for Sustainable Local Development Newsletter #94
Judith Hitchman, Martine Theveniaut, December 2012
Local development and the social economy in rural Quebec
Brief Reliess n°5
October 2012
The Co-construction of Solidarity Finance in Quebec: a Systemic Approach
Brief Reliess n°6
October 2012
Brief Reliess n°4
October 2012
Community Economic Development (CED) in Canada: The Canadian CED network
Yvon Poirier, September 2012
Agrilocal An online platform for public procurement
European Network for Rural Development, 2012
The Association Terre de Liens: An example in Echausses, France of multi-purpose property
Martine Theveniaut, May 2010
Community Economic Development Investment Funds (CEDIF)
Brief Public Policy Profile CCRPèS - CSERP
Sarah Amyot, May 2010
Brief Public Policy Profile CCRPèS - CSERP
Sarah Amyot, May 2010
The Montréal Social Economy Plan
Brief Public Policy Profile CCRPèS - CSERP
Crystal Tremblay, May 2010
Great Bear Rainforest Sustainable Development Initiative
Brief Public Policy Profile CCRPèS - CSERP
Crystal Tremblay, May 2010
Judith Hitchman, October 2009
Dreaming New Mexico. An age of local foodsheds and a fair trade state
Michael H. Shuman, 2009
Stéphane Girou, May 2008
City of God (Cidade de Deus) in Rio de Janeiro
The challenge of local development linked to community action
Caio Silveira, April 2007
Environmental justice, community development and solidarity economy
The example of Kettleman City, California
Yvon Poirier, November 2006
Ecological Footprint of the Findhorn Foundation and Community
Stephen Tinsley, Heather George, August 2006
Stories from an Appalachian Community
Twentieth Annual E. F. Schumacher Lectures October 2000, Salisbury, Connecticut
Marie Cirillo, 2000
40 Analyses/working papers/articles
Community Energy Municipal Guide
Sscale 20 30 50
December 2022
Italian Community Co-operatives: Structuration of Community Development Processes in Italy
Review of Social Economy
Michele Bianchi, December 2021
Guidelines for Local Governments on Policies for Social and Solidarity Economy
Publication UNRISD
Hamish Jenkins, Yi Ilcheong, Samuel Brülisauer, Kameni Chaddah, January 2021
Oxford University Press and Community Development Journal. 2021
Michele Bianchi, 2021
Living in the cracks. A Look at Rural Social Enterprises in Britain and the Czech Republic
Nadia Johanisova, 2021
Co-operatives, territories and social capital: reconsidering a theoretical framework
Michele Bianchi, Marcelo Alejandro Vieta, September 2020
The Future is Public Towards Democratic Ownership of Public Services
A TNI Publication
Satoko Kishimoto, Lavinia Steinfort, Nara Petrovic, May 2020
Local economy: Views from Madurai grassroots conversations
Denison Jayasooria, January 2020
Stir Magazine: winter edition 2019: Looking back, looking forwards
February 2019
Is eating a settler-colonial act? Food justice and Indigenous sovereignty
Article of ABC Religion and Ethics
October 2018
An Indigenous Approach to Community Wealth Building: A Lakota Translation
Stephanie Gutierrez, 2018
4Th World Forum Of Local Economic Development, Praia, oct 2017 - Final report
October 2017
The Role of Local Governments in Territorial Economic Development
UCLG Policy Paper
UCLG, February 2017
Municipalities and Social Economy. Lessons from Portugal
Working paper CIRIEC N° 2015/14
João Salazar LEITE, May 2015
Isidor Wallimann, March 2015
What is Community Wealth Building & Why is it so Important?
Ted Howard, December 2014
City of Bologna, Italy
City of Bologna, December 2014
Policies for Community Wealth Building: Leveraging State and Local Resources
The Democracy Collaborative, September 2014
5th RIPESS International Meeting of SSE, Manila, Philippines, October, 15-18, 2013.
Martine Theveniaut, October 2013
5th RIPESS International Meeting of SSE, Manila, Philippines, October, 15-18, 2013.
Martine Theveniaut, October 2013
4th CIRIEC International Research Conference on Social Economy University of Antwerp, 24-26 October 2013
Marco Aurélio Maia Barbosa OLIVEIRA FILHO,, Ana Lucia Cortegoso, October 2013
4th CIRIEC International Research Conference on Social Economy University of Antwerp, 24-26 October 2013
Carmela Guarascio, October 2013
SSE Initiatives in Territories
General summary of preparatory discussions for Ripess Vthe International Meetings Manila’13
Martine Theveniaut, October 2013
Proposals for a Fair and Democratic Architecture of Power
contribution to the Peoples’ Summit, Rio+20, June 2012
June 2012
Solidarity Economies in Marche, Italy: current trends and perspectives
No 124127, Congress Papers from Italian Association of Agricultural and Applied Economics (AIEAA)
Matteo Belleti, Francesco Orazi,, Marco Socci,, Marco Giovagnoli,, Barbara Pojaghi,, 2012
Working Paper Territory and Local Development: A Place-based Perspective
International Forum on Social and Solidarity Economy, FIESS 2011
Neil Bradford, October 2011
Banking biodiversity Valuing or devaluing nature?
Food Ethics Council, Vol. 6, Issue 2, Summer 2011.
July 2011
Local development in Europe. Assessment and prospects after the economic crisis
Policy Brief Notre Europe n+21. January 2011
January 2011
September 2010
Public Policy Trends and Instruments Supporting the Social Economy: International Experiences
This paper highlights public policy trends and instruments from around the world that use the Social Economy as a framework to enhance socio-economic development and environmental sustainability.
Crystal Tremblay, April 2010
RiCC – research report 2010/4
Anna Schreuer, Daniela Weismeier-Sammer, April 2010
The Atlas of job création good practices for social inclusion
Ethical Finance for an active, creative and solidarity-based Europe. Practical datasheet.
The Great Transition. A tale of how it turned out right.
Stephen Spratt, Andrew Simms, Eva Neitzert, Josh Ryan Collins, October 2009
The Great Transition. A tale of how it turned out right
Stephen Spratt, Andrew Simms, Eva Neitzert, Josh Ryan Collins, 2009
From the ashes of the crash. 20 first steps from new economics to rebuild a better economy
October 2008
Proceedings for the Conference “Rurality near the City”, Leuven, 7‐8th of February 2008
Christine Aubry, Leïla Kebir, Catherine Pasquier, February 2008
Exploring the application of the Ecological Footprint to sustainable consumption policy
John Barrett, Nia Cherret, Rachel Birch, January 2007
Economics, Cooperation, and Employee Ownership: The Emilia Romagna model – in more detail
John Logue, 2006
Local foods and local markets: strategies to grow the local sector in the UK
Anthropolgy of Food
May 2005
The Cooperative District of Imola Forging the High Road to Globalization
Matt Hancock, 2005
2 Charter/Manifesto
September 2014
GSEF2016 Declaration in Montreal
Global Social Economy Forum GSEF 2016 : Local Governments and Social Economy Stakeholders Allies for the intelligent and sustainable development of cities
September 2014
7 public contributions
SSE Experiences in North America
5th RIPESS International Meeting of SSE, Manila, Philippines, October, 15-18, 2013.
Mike Toye, October 2013
Practice and potential for the future of territorial pacts
Paper for the conference “Promoting co-operative territorial economy to combat poverty and social exclusion” Brusssels, 23rd of November 2010
Karl Birkhölzer, November 2010
Martine Theveniaut, November 2009
Presented at the World conference on the development of cities Porto Alegre/RS, Brésil
Pierre Morrissette, February 2008
Local Stock Exchanges: The Next Wave of Community Economy Building
Michael H. Shuman, October 2007
Local Development in Emilia-Romagna: Alternatives in Action
22 November 2005, RIPESS Conference, Dakar
Matt Hancock, November 2005
The Territory, a Place of Relations: Toward a Community of Linkage and Sharing
Proposals Notebook for the XXI Century
Yves De Morsier, September 2001
16 articles
REVES Magazine: Public policies and social economy
Year 2023, n°1
October 2023
Localists of all the world, unite!
Article of RIPESS Europe newsletter, October 2023
Ruby Van der Wekken, Jason Nardi, October 2023
Territorial development and the SSE
Article of RIPESS Europe newsletter, June 2023
Josette Combes, June 2023
10 Theses Towards Transformative Community-Led Local Development Policies
Article of RIPESS Europe newsletter, May 2023
May 2023
COOPTERR mobility project: a training in Timisoara
Article of RIPESS Europe newsletter, November 2022
Mihaela Vetan, November 2022
Social Solidarity Economy: La Poste and La Fabrique de l’emploi join forces
Article of RIPESS Europe newsletter, november 2022
Groupe La Poste, November 2022
Mobility: territorial cooperation and social inclusion
Article from the RIPESS Europe newsletter - June 2022
Jason Nardi, June 2022
Territorial cooperation: about COOPTERR mobility in Hungary !
Article from the RIPESS Europe newsletter - April 2022
Rita Kandikó, April 2022
RIPESS Europe,
UFISC, Fekete Sereg Ifjúsági Egyesület (Fekete Sereg Youth Association)
REAS Euskadi: draft Law on Rural Development
Article from the RIPESS Europe newsletter - November 2021
Reas Euskadi, November 2021
RESET, cooperation between SSE and regional / local governments in Europe
Article from the RIPESS Europe newsletter - October 2021
Günther Lorenz, October 2021
Not on the agenda in Glasgow: real climate action
Article of Localfutures.org
By Alex Jensen and Steven Gorelick, October 2021
SSE and public policies: Lets talk about Participatory Budgeting in Municipalities (Greece)
Article from the RIPESS Europe newsletter - April 2021
Georgia Bekridaki, April 2021
Bases for a Social and Solidarity Economy Law in Catalonia
Article from the RIPESS Europe newsletter - January 2021
REAS, Red de Redes, January 2021
The US city preparing itself for the collapse of capitalism
Article of The Guardian, 31/10/2019
Alexandra Marvar, October 2019
Solidarity Economy Part I: Cooperative Development in Rio and Beyond
Article RIOONWATCH Sept 29, 2016
Anna Cash, September 2016
7 Paths to Development That Bring Neighborhoods Wealth, Not Gentrification
Article of Yes! Magazine, Nov 11, 2015
Marjorie Kelly, Sarah McKinley, November 2015
Web sites :
- Participation démocratique et ancrage territorial / PACTES LOCAUX
- Réseau Européen des Villes et Régions de l’Economie Sociale - REVES
- Chambre Régionale de l’économie sociale et solidaire Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur (CRESS PACA)
- Fondation Charles Léopold Mayer pour le Progrès de l’Homme (FPH)
- Technologie-Netzwerk Berlin e. V.
- Urgenci
- Centre d’Etudes sur la Mondialisation, les Conflits, les Territoires et les Vulnérabilités (CEMOTEV)
- Nouveaux Indicateurs de richesse en Pays de la Loire
- Réseau interuniversitaire de l’économie sociale et solidaire
- CERISES - Centre européen de ressources sur les initiatives solidaires et les entreprises sociales
- Centre de recherche sur les innovations sociales - Crises
- RTES - Réseau des Territoires pour l’économie solidaire
- APEAS - Agence Provençale pour une économie alternative et solidaire
- Le Mouvement des Régies
- Fonda
- Cress Alsace, Chambre Régionale de l’économie sociale et solidaire
- Chambre Régionale de l’économie sociale et solidaire Nouvelle-Aquitaine
- Chambre Régionale de l’économie sociale Auvergne Rhône-Alpes
- Chambre Régionale de l’économie sociale et solidaire Basse-Normandie
- Chambre Régionale de l’économie sociale et solidaire Bourgogne-France-Comté
- Chambre Régionale de l’économie sociale et solidaire Bretagne
- Chambre Régionale de l’économie sociale et solidaire Centre-Val de Loire
- Chambre Régionale de l’économie sociale Grand Est
- CRESS Corsica, Chambre Régionale de l’économie sociale et solidaire Corse
- Chambre Régionale de l’économie sociale de Haute-Normandie
- Chambre Régionale de l’économie sociale et Solidaire des Iles de Guadeloupe
- CIRIEC - España - Revista de Economía pública, social y cooperativa
- Chambre Régionale de l’économie sociale et solidaire Occitanie
- Chambre Régionale de l’économie sociale Ile de la Réunion
- Foundation for Social and Economic Initiatives, Poland
- Chambre Régionale de l’économie Sociale et Solidaire Hauts-de-France
- ADEPES - Agence pour le Développement et la Promotion de l’Economie Solidaire en Midi-Pyrénées
- FEASTA - the Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability
- LAREPS - Laboratoire sur les pratiques et les politiques sociales, UQAM, Québec
- Portail de Coopération des Acteurs de l’ESS Almeria - Limousin - Ravenna
- Observatoire européen de l’Economie sociale Pour la Solidarité
- Territoires de Commerce Equitable
- Le Labo de l’ESS
- P’actes Européens - European Pacts
- ASSOAL - Association pour le dévelopement local Cameroun
- Réseau Régional des Circuits Courts Poitou-Charentes
- CESIF - Collectif pour l’Economie Solidaire en Ile-de-France
- ARDES - Association Régionale pour le Développement de l’Economie Solidaire en Basse-Normandie
- Localtis.info
- Collporterre
- Colporterre
- Kavilando
- Eco-Sol-Brest
- Institut des territoires Coopératifs
- Mares de Madrid
- Transformar los territorios desde la Economía Solidaria
- Passerelles
- Alimentando alternativas y políticas públicas
- Territoires Zéro Chômeurs Longue Durée
- Chaire TerrESS Territoires de l’Économie Sociale et Solidaire