solidarity-based entrepreneurship
Definition of ”solidarity-based entrepreneurship“ on:
20 publications
A Black Epistemology for the Social and Solidarity Economy: The Black Social Economy
Caroline Shenaz Hossein, 2019
Yes! Magazine Winter 2018 issue, Solidarity: How to Build Joyful Economies.
AA.VV., Yes! Magazine, United States, November 2017
STIR issue 16, Winter 2017: Solidaity Economics
AA.VV., Stir to Action, January 2017
Social Economy in China and the World
PUN Ngai, KU Hok-Bun Ku, YAN Hairong, KOO Anita, Routledge, USA, 2016
How to Thrive in the Next Economy: Designing Tomorrow’s World Today
John Thackara, Thames & Hudson, USA, November 2015
Scaling Up The Convergence of Social Economy and Sustainability
Mike Gismondi, Sean Connelly, Mary Beckie, Sean Markey, Mark Roseland, Athabasca University Press, Canada, July 2015
Social and Solidarity Economy: Is There a New Economy in the Making?
Occasional Paper 10. Potential and Limits of Social and Solidarity Economy
Peter Utting, Nadine van Dijk, Marie-Adélaïde Matheï, UNRISD, Geneva, Switzerland, September 2014
The Solidarity Economy Alternative Emerging Theory and Practice
Edited by Vishwas Satgar, University of KwaZulu-Natal Press, South Africa, February 2014
The Power of Just Doing Stuff How local action can change the world
Rob Hopkins, Green Books, United Kingdom, June 2013
Growing Local living economies : A Grassroots Approach to Economic Development
Michael H. Shuman, Kate Poole, Business Alliance for Local Living Economies - BALLE, Bellingham, Wa- USA, January 2013
Judy Wicks, Chelsea Green Publishing, United States, 2012
in Women’s Entrepreneurship and Economics Volume 1000 of the series International Studies in Entrepreneurship pp 211-224
Marie-Claire Malo, Inmaculada Buendía-Martínez, Martine Vézina, Springer link, October 2011
Juliet B. Schor, The Penguin Press, USA., August 2011
Exploring Community Resilience
Nick Wilding, Fiery Spirits, UK and Carnegie Trust UK, 2011
Keith Hart, Jean-Louis Laville, Antonio David Cattani (Editors), Polity, Cambridge, October 2010
Solidarity Economy I: Building Alternatives for People and Planet
Emily Kawano, Thomas Neal Masterson, Jonathan Teller-Elsberg, Center for Popular Economics, USA, June 2010
Social Enterprise. At the crossroads of market, public policies and civil society
Marthe Nyssens (ed.), Routledge, London and New York, 2006
Ethical Markets : Growing The Green Economy
Hazel Henderson, Chelsea Green Publishing, USA, 2006
LIVING IN THE CRACKS. A Look at Rural Social Enterprises in Britain and the Czech Republic.
Nadia Johanisova, FEASTA, Dublin, Ireland, 2005
Ripples from the Zambezi Passion, Entrepreneurship, and the Rebirth of Local Economies
Ernesto Sirolli, New Society Publishers, United States, 1998
5 thesis
Solidarity Economy in the context of the Nordic welfare state
Master’s thesis, Faculty of Management , Tampere University
Gabriel Esber Elias, August 2019
Social Inventors for Territories where Life can be Lived Martine Theveniaut - Detailed Summary 2015
Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Sociology, supervised by Jean-Louis Laville,Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers Paris, presented in 2007 and updated between 2014 and 2015.
Martine Theveniaut, 2015
Master degree student in Public Policy and Management Program, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia
Fuad Setiawan Khabibi, September 2014
Master’s Thesis in International Development Studies Graduate School of Social Sciences University of Amsterdam
Fernando Cesar Pires Baptista, January 2011
A Comparison of Rural Social Enterprises in Britain and the Czech Republic
Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University, Brno
Nadia Johanisova, April 2007
53 Videos
Solidarity Economy Association webinar: Cooperation Jackson
December 2022
Meeting Maria Britzolaki, Dock (Greece)
Vidéo of Ripess Europe newsletter, september 2022
September 2022
Solidarity Economy Praxis Panel at the World Social Forum, México, May 2022
May 2022
Building The Solidarity Economy In The Context of COVID & Black Lives Matter
Virtual WSFTE 2020
June 2020
[ASEC SSE Academy] Session 5 b : Networking & Communication by Dr Eri Trinurini
May 2020
[ASEC SSE Academy] Session 5 : Networking & Communication by Chandra Firmantoko
May 2020
Webinar : Beyond COVID19 emergency: Building collective and lasting responses through SSE
Ripess Intercontinental April17, 2020
April 2020
Documentary « Solidarity Economy in Barcelona »
Miguel Yasuyuki Hirota, February 2020
Economy changes. Change the economy:
September 2017
Podcast: Cheyenna Weber on the History and Future of the Solidarity Economy
June 2017
Belgium - When social and solidarity economy meets international development…
Susy Project
October 2016
Funding the Cooperative City - Rome
September 2016
Weavers Iban of Rumah Gare - A community project
February 2016
IES: Initiatives for a Solidarity Economy, Midi-Pyrénées, France
December 2015
ATIS: Territories Association and Social Innovation - Aquitaine, France
December 2015
The Iban Weavers of Rumah Gare, a community engagement project
December 2015
Philippines Solidarity Economy Forum 2015 - November 4-5, 2015, Quezon City
November 2015
Mr. Daniel Tygel at RIPESS Manila 2013
5th RIPESS International Meeting of SSE, Manila, Philippines, October, 15-18, 2013.
October 2015
Solikon 2015: Solidarische Ökonomie-Initiativen und -Netze in Südeuropa
September 2015
Community Shares Case Study - Chase Community Solar, Cannock
June 2015
Dorset Community Energy: Community Shares in Solar Panels
May 2015
Practical Impact of Social and Solidarity Economy
April 2015
A Story about Social and Solidarity Economy by Challenging the Crisis
September 2014
A Localist Agenda: Policy and Politics for Building a Community-Scaled Economy
August 2014
The Impact of the Social Economy
Shapes of Exchange in the Solidarity Economy
Solidarity NYC
December 2013
Mr. Pierre Calame, Greetings at RIPESS MANILA 2013
5th RIPESS International Meeting of SSE, Manila, Philippines, October, 15-18, 2013.
October 2013
Dr Alfredo Pascual at RIPESS MANILA 2013
5th RIPESS International Meeting of SSE, Manila, Philippines, October, 15-18, 2013.
October 2013
Ms. Nancy Neamtan at RIPESS Manila 2013 (Part 1 and 2)
5th RIPESS International Meeting of SSE, Manila, Philippines, October, 15-18, 2013.
October 2013
Mr. Jun Simon at RIPESS Manila 2013
5th RIPESS International Meeting of SSE, Manila, Philippines, October, 15-18, 2013.
October 2013
Ng Yeen Seen @ Asean Leadership Forum 2013 3rd Day of RIPESS MANILA 2013
5th RIPESS International Meeting of SSE, Manila, Philippines, October, 15-18, 2013.
October 2013
Dr. Eduardo Gonzales @ Asean Leadership Forum 2013 3rd Day RIPESS MANILA 2013
5th RIPESS International Meeting of SSE, Manila, Philippines, October, 15-18, 2013.
October 2013
Mr. Paul Singer at Asean Leadership Forum 2013 , 3rd Day of RIPESS Manila 2013
5th RIPESS International Meeting of SSE, Manila, Philippines, October, 15-18, 2013.
October 2013
Dr. Emmanuel Luna at RIPESS Manila 2013
5th RIPESS International Meeting of SSE, Manila, Philippines, October, 15-18, 2013.
October 2013
Sen. Alan Peter Cayetano at RIPESS Manila 2013 (Part 1 and 2)
5th RIPESS International Meeting of SSE, Manila, Philippines, October, 15-18, 2013.
October 2013
Mr. Michael Lewis at RIPESS Manila 2013 (Part 1 to 5)
5th RIPESS International Meeting of SSE, Manila, Philippines, October, 15-18, 2013.
October 2013
Day 1 Dr. Benjamin R. Quinones, Jr. at RIPESS Manila 2013 Part 1 « SSE vs Market Economy »
5th RIPESS International Meeting of SSE, Manila, Philippines, October, 15-18, 2013.
October 2013
Day 1 Mr. Jason Nardi at RIPESS Manila 2013 (Part 1 and 2)
5th RIPESS International Meeting of SSE, Manila, Philippines, October, 15-18, 2013.
October 2013
Sec. Dinky Soliman @ Asean Leadership Forum 2013, 3rd Day of RIPESS Manila 2013 (Part 1 and 2)
5th RIPESS International Meeting of SSE, Manila, Philippines, October, 15-18, 2013.
October 2013
5th RIPESS International Meeting of SSE, Manila, Philippines, October, 15-18, 2013.
October 2013
Mr. Peter Utting Asean Leadership Forum 2013, 3rd Day of RIPESS Manila 2013 (Part 1 and 2)
5th RIPESS International Meeting of SSE, Manila, Philippines, October, 15-18, 2013.
Peter Utting, October 2013
SSE Conference Closing Remarks
UNRISD conference “Potential and Limits of Social and Solidarity Economy”, Geneva, 6-8 May 2013
May 2013
SSE Conference Opening Session
UNRISD conference “Potential and Limits of Social and Solidarity Economy”, Geneva, 6-8 May 2013
May 2013
UNRISD conference “Potential and Limits of Social and Solidarity Economy”, Geneva, 6-8 May 2013
Ananya Mukherjee-Reed, May 2013
Building Resilient Local Economies through Local Investment: Michael Shuman (Post Carbon Institute)
October 2012
C.R.I.E.S. Association. Work Integration Social Enterprises. Întreprinderile sociale de inserție
August 2012
Feminist Economics: solidarity economy-rough edit
April 2010
Conference on Economic Degrowth: David Barkin, Barcelona, 2010
March 2010
September 2008
Coming Home—E. F. Schumacher and the Reinvention of the Local Economy
Chris Bedford, 2003
15 pedagogical tools
Toolbox on values, sustainability and social impact of the Social and Solidarity Economy
Poster Building Up Social and Solidarity Economy (BUSSE)
Building Up Social and Solidarity Economy (BUSSE) Erasmus+ Project
Ekumenická akademie, VSÖK, Stowarzyszenie Kooperatywa Spożywcza “Dobrze”,
Postcards Building Up Social and Solidarity Economy (BUSSE)
Building Up Social and Solidarity Economy (BUSSE) Erasmus+ Project
Ekumenická akademie, VSÖK, Stowarzyszenie Kooperatywa Spożywcza “Dobrze”,
Info Pack Building Up Social and Solidarity Economy (BUSSE)
Building Up Social and Solidarity Economy (BUSSE) Erasmus+ Project
Ekumenická akademie, VSÖK, Stowarzyszenie Kooperatywa Spożywcza “Dobrze”,
Booklet : Building Up Social and Solidarity Economy (BUSSE)
Building Up Social and Solidarity Economy (BUSSE) Erasmus+ Project
Ekumenická akademie, VSÖK, Stowarzyszenie Kooperatywa Spożywcza “Dobrze”,
KISS A Guide of Sustainable practices
Key Is Social Sustainability (KISS - Erasmus Project ISSE)
Training Manual on Initiatives for a Social Solidarity Economy (ISSE)
Erasmus +
Marco Martinetti, October 2016
Syllabus: Solidarity Economy Movements
Craig Borowiak, April 2016
Challenging the crisis : a guide to Social and Solidarity Economy
December 2015
Enhancing studies and practice of the social and solidarity economy. A reference handbook.
Margaret Meredith, Catalina Quiroz Niño Arando, S., Coelho, L.S., Silva, M.F. & Villafuerte Pezo, A.M., September 2015
International Training Centre of the International Labour Organization, 2014
Leandro Pereira Morais, 2014
Solidarity Economy Workshop Pathways to a just and sustainable world (Workshop)
Emily Kawano, 2013
Social and Solidarity Economy: Our common road towards Decent Work
Reader for the ILO Academy on Social And Solidarity Academy 2011
Nancy Néamtan, Mathieu de Poorter, Leandro Pereira Morais, Bénédicte Fonteneau, Fredrick Wanyama, Carlo Borzaga, Giulia Galera, Tom Fox, Nathaneal Ojong, October 2011
Local Social Economy Learning Package
A European Curriculum for Social Enterprise Practitioners and Supporters
Karl Birkhölzer, September 2009
Social Economy reference guide
Chantier de l’Economie sociale et autres, 2007
23 case studies
PowerPoint - Grassroot People Movement and Solidarity Economy in Indonesia
Asia-Pacific Peoples’ Forum for Sustainable Development (March 19-21, 2021)
Ir. Eri Trinurini Adhi, March 2021
Asia-Pacific Peoples’ Forum for Sustainable Development (March 19-21, 2021)
Rene E. Ofreneo, March 2021
Asia-Pacific Peoples’ Forum for Sustainable Development (March 19-21, 2021)
Josephine C. Parilla, March 2021
Asia-Pacific Peoples’ Forum for Sustainable Development (March 19-21, 2021)
Kumar Loganathan, March 2021
[ASEC SSE Academy] Case study KG ORANG ASLI ULU Gumum, Malaysia
May 2020
[ASEC SSE Academy] : People-oriented economy. Parnaama Development Foundation, New Dehli, India
May 2020
Institutional Design and Map of SSE Organizations in Asia
Hiroki Miura, November 2019
Lessons from the field visit at Village Panggungharjo
Denison Jayasooria, November 2019
Village in Strengthening the Nation’s Economy.A Note from Panggungharjo, Indonesia
Pak Wahyndi, November 2019
Field visit 2 : Il Circolino in Città Alta
October 2019
Good Practice: Enhancing Food Security, Nutrition and Poverty Reduction through Self Help Groups
de Futuro del Trabajo: Buenas Prácticas de Cooperación Sur-Sur y Triangular (CSST) en Economía Social y Solidaria
Siddique Lubna, October 2019
The Reality and Perspectives of the Social and Solidarity Economy in the City of Praia
CITI-Habitat (in partnership with GSEF), May 2018
Reconfiguring the social and solidarity economy in a Danish/ Nordic welfare context
3rd EMES-Polanyi International Seminarn Welfaire societies in Transition, Roskilde, April 2018
Lars HULGÅRD, Linda Lundgaard Andersen, April 2018
A report by Solidarity Economy Initiative
Penn Loh, Sarah Jimenez, February 2017
Barry’s Place – Ecolodge on Ataúro Island
Jun-E Tan, August 2016
Initiatives Report 4 th edition For a human and sustainable development of cities and territories
January 2016
Nepal’s Community Forest in the Promotion of Social Solidarity Economy
Submitted to the Asian Solidarity Economy Council, on the occasion of the 5th RIPESS International Meeting of SSE, Manila, Philippines, October, 15-18, 2013.
Bhola Bhattarai, Ram Prasad Acharya, Gyanendra Karki, Suman Dhakal, October 2013
Submitted to the Asian Solidarity Economy Council, on the occasion of the 5th RIPESS International Meeting of SSE, Manila, Philippines, October, 15-18, 2013.
Rajanita Das Purkayastha, October 2013
Starting social business in Northern Sri Lanka after the civil war -PARCIC’s case-
Submitted to the Asian Solidarity Economy Council, on the occasion of the 5th RIPESS International Meeting of SSE, Manila, Philippines, October, 15-18, 2013.
K. Pirapakaran, M. Nishimori, October 2013
Submitted to the Asian Solidarity Economy Council, on the occasion of the 5th RIPESS International Meeting of SSE, Manila, Philippines, October, 15-18, 2013.
Poonsap S. Tulaphan, October 2013
The Community Empowerment International Fund (La Limonada – Guatemala)
Samuel Brizuela, January 2013
COPAC, 2011
Ecological Footprint of the Findhorn Foundation and Community
Stephen Tinsley, Heather George, August 2006
60 Analyses/working papers/articles
Action guide for advancing Community Wealth Building in the United States
Democracy Collaborative
Sarah McKinley, Neil McInroy, August 2023
Solidarity First: Building a movement for just & sustainable economies in Quebec
Nancy Néamtan, 2023
Exploring SSE and its initiatives among european members
Consultancy project 2021 for the Labo de l’ESS
Prepared by Léna Mamalis, Clara Schouler, Jeanne Parmentier, Charlène Castagna, Juliette Vazzoler, August 2021
ASEC report on side event : Grassroots Movements & Solidarity Economy in Asia
Asia-Pacific Peoples’ Forum for Sustainable Development (March 19-21, 2021)
Denison Jayasooria, March 2021
South Africa’s social and solidarity economy: A study of its characteristics and conditions
ILO 2021
Living in the cracks. A Look at Rural Social Enterprises in Britain and the Czech Republic
Nadia Johanisova, 2021
UKM Ethnic Studies Paper Series No. 64
Denison Jayasooria, August 2020
[ASEC SSE Academy] Reflections on the SSE case studies featured in the ASEC SSE online Academy
May 2020
Fostering social capital: the case of community-owned pubs
Jacopo Sforzi, Michele Bianchi, January 2020
Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals: What Role for Social and Solidarity Economy?:
UNTFSSE International Conference Summary
Yi Ilcheong, Samuel Brülisauer, Gabriel Salathé-Beaulieu, Martina Piras, October 2019
Solidarity Oxford. Mapping the Solidarity Economy in Oxford
Pilot Project Report
June 2019
Asia Pacific People forum for Sustainable Development (APPFSD) , March 24 to 26, 2019 Bangkok, ASEC: workshop « Grassroots communities empowering themselves »
March 2019
Tool to analyse the reality (SSE initiatives) - MES contribution
Recent Evolutions of the Social Economy in the European Union
Working paper Ciriec 2019/01
Mapping of the social and solidarity economy of Peru
June 2018
Riccardo Troisi, Monica di Sisto, Alberto Castagnola, August 2017
The Solidarity Economy in South and North America: Converging Experiences
Brazilian Political Science Review
Luiz Inácio Gaiger, 2017
UKM Ethnic Studies Paper Series No. 51, September 2016
Jun-E Tan, September 2016
Social welfare for all: the potential of a Social Solidarity Economy
ICSW Newsletter Global Cooperation Network January 2016
Yvon Poirier, January 2016
ICSEM Working Papers No. 34 Liege: The International Comparative Social Enterprise Models (ICSEM) Project.
Laurent Fraisse, Laurent Gardin, Jean-Louis Laville, Francesca Petrella, Nadine Richez-Battesti, 2016
Mapping Women’s Social Entrepreneurship in Europe.Synthesis Report.
WEstart Emily Usher Shrair, September 2015
International Labour Organisation - ILO
Edited by Anita Amorim, Andrew Dale, Charbel Fakhri-Kairouz, July 2015
Fostering an Asean community through solidarity-based community enterprises
Denison Jayasooria, Benjamin R. Quiñones, Jr., Saifuddin Abdullah, May 2015
Solidarity economy and community development: emerging cases in three Massachusetts cities
Communty Development Vol 46, 2015 - Issue 3 : Community Development and Democratic Practice
Penn Loh, Boone Shear, 2015
Solidarity for All, 2015
Social enterprise models in Germany
ICSEM Working Papers No. 2015-15, Liege: The International Comparative Social Enterprise Models (ICSEM) Project.
Karl Birkhölzer, 2015
Social and Solidarity Economy: Is There a New Economy in the Making?
Occasional Paper 10. Potential and Limits of Social and Solidarity Economy
Peter Utting, Nadine van Dijk, Marie-Adélaïde Matheï, September 2014
The Social and Solidarity Economy in Ecuador: opportunities and challenges
MINCA Ecuador
Sara Calvo, Andres Morales Pachon, June 2014
Erik Olin Wright, 2014
Community Economic Development:: Understanding the New Zealand Context
New Zealand Community Economic Development Trust Di Jennings, 2014
5th RIPESS International Meeting of SSE, Manila, Philippines, October, 15-18, 2013.
Martine Theveniaut, October 2013
5th RIPESS International Meeting of SSE, Manila, Philippines, October, 15-18, 2013.
Martine Theveniaut, October 2013
4th CIRIEC International Research Conference on Social Economy University of Antwerp, 24-26 October 2013
Cristina Barna, Ancuţa Vameşu, October 2013
How to create valuable community work
CWA Magasine
October 2013
Think pieces for the UNRISD conference “Potential and Limits of Social and Solidarity Economy”. 6-8 May 2013
Helen Murphy, Marilyn Wallace, May 2013
Matías Meza-Lopehandía G, 2013
Social entrepreneurship in Croatia: a framework for development
Euricse WP 61|13
Davorka Vidović, 2013
The Role of Social and Solidarity Economy in Tanzania
Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Studies Vol 1, No 5 (2013)
Faustine K. Bee, 2013
Social enterprises and non-market capitals: a path to degrowth?
Journal of Cleaner Production 38 (2013) 7e16
Nadia Johanisova, Tim Crabtree, Eva Franková, 2013
SOLIDARITY ECONOMY ENTERPRISES IN BRAZIL: An overview from the second national mapping Adriane
The International Comparative Social Enterprise Models – ICSEM PROJECT -
Adriane Vieira Ferrarini, Luiz Inácio Gaiger, Marilia Verissimo Veronese, 2013
Social economy - A Solution for entrepreneurship development
Management Strategies Journal, 2013, vol. 22, issue Special, pages 258-265
Elena ENACHE, Cristian MOROZAN, 2013
Economic democracy: A path for the future?
Futures Volume 44, Issue 6, August 2012, Pages 562–570
Nadia Johanisova, Stephan Wolf, August 2012
International Economics Letters, 2012, vol. 1, issue 1, pages 23-40
María Esther Aretxabala, 2012
Tianguis Indigena: The solidarity economy and indigenous women in Mexico
Development, 2012, vol. 55, issue 3, pages 393-396
Tzinnia Carranza López, 2012
This is a compilation of the Women’s Major Group Rio+20 position statements based on input from the March 2011 Women’s Major Group Position Paper, women’s statements presented at the Bonn UNDPI conference, the UNEP global Rio+20 consultation in Bonn and the Regional Rio+20 preparatory meetings in Santiago de Chile, Seoul, Cairo and Addis Ababa. This is a working document in continued progress. A globally developed summary of this document has been submitted as the Women’s Major Group submission for the zero-‐draft document for Rio+20. This compilation document is an annex.
November 2011
Claudia Haarmann, Dirk Haarmann, October 2011
Social entrepreneurship: the new narrative for the practice of the social economy
CIRIEC-España, Revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa, núm. 73, special issue, October 2011, p.9-31
Nuria Toledano, October 2011
Humberto Ortiz Roca, July 2011
No 524, ISS Working Papers - General Series from International Institute of Social Studies of Erasmus University Rotterdam (ISS), The Hague
Andreia Lemaître, A.H.J. (Bert) Helmsing, June 2011
Thesis submitted for a Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Department of Sociology at Brown University
Ana Margarida Esteves, May 2011
Barometer 2011 of social entrepreneurship
May 2011
Elements of Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) in the Hungarian Local Development
Theory Methodology Practice (TMP), 2011, vol. 7, issue 01, pages 17-27
Éva G. Fekete, 2011
Exploring Community Resilience
Carnegie UK Trust
Nick Wilding, 2011
Sonia Buglione, Rainer Schlüter, November 2010
Discourses of Social Entrepreneurship – Variations of the same theme?
Lars HULGÅRD, 2010
Review of Radical Political Economics. Volume (Year): 41 (2009)
David Barkin, September 2009
Solidarity Economy and Recycling Co-Ops in São Paulo: Micro-Credit to Alleviate Poverty
Development in Practice Vol. 19, No. 6 (Aug., 2009), pp. 737-751
Jutta Gutberlet, August 2009
Martine Theveniaut, 2009
Grassroots Innovations for Sustainable Development: Towards a New Research and Policy Agenda
Environmental Politics, Vol. 16, No. 4, 584 – 603, August 2007
Gill Seyfang, Adrian Smith, August 2007
Creative Communities. People inventing sustainable ways of living.
(ed.) Anna Meroni, 2007
2 Charter/Manifesto
June 2020
One reader’s report
Literature Review Solidarité et Organisation : penser une autre gestion
Luciane Lucas Dos Santos, December 2020
12 public contributions
RIPESS Eu Scientific Committee – International webinar on Solidarity economy
Ruth Muñoz, March 2021
RIPESS Eu Scientific Committee – International webinar on Solidarity economy
Youssef Sadik, January 2021
Local Initiatives as Solidarity Economy: Mutual learning between Colombia and Japan
RIPESS Eu Scientific Committee – International webinar on Solidarity economy
Noriko Hataya, January 2021
[ASEC SSE Academy] Youth Issues in Chennai, Tamil Nadu
June 2020
[ASEC SSE Academy] SSE Dimensions 3, 4, 5 Triple Bottom Line
Denison Jayasooria, May 2020
Introduction to the International Conference on Transformative Economy in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Denison Jayasooria, November 2019
Asia Pacific People forum for Sustainable Development (APPFSD) , March 24 to 26, 2019 Bangkok, ASEC: workshop « Grassroots communities empowering themselves »
March 2019
Social and Solidarity Economy A Grassroots Economic Alternative to Corporate-led Globalization
Nairobi, Thursday 21 July 2016, Civil Society Forum - CNUCED 14
July 2016
SSE Experiences in North America
5th RIPESS International Meeting of SSE, Manila, Philippines, October, 15-18, 2013.
Mike Toye, October 2013
If You Don’t Like Capitalism or State Socialism, What Do You Want?
Thirty-First Annual E.F. Schumacher Lectures
Gar Alperovitz, November 2011
Presented at the World conference on the development of cities Porto Alegre/RS, Brésil
Pierre Morrissette, February 2008
Development and perspectives of the Social Economy or the Third Sector in Germany
paper for the 1st European Conference EMES, 27 to 29 of April 2005, ParisFrance,
Karl Birkhölzer, January 2006
18 articles
Article of RIPESS Europe newsletter, July 2024
Georgia Bekridaki, Kali Akuno, July 2024
RIPESS LAC participates in the XVI International Solidarity Economy Encounter in Colombia
Article by Ripess Intercontinental, August 2023
Lucero Adriana Blanco Zambrano, August 2023
Article by Ripess Intercontinental, May 2023
May 2023
A Social Solidarity Toolkit to confront COVID19
Article from the RIPESS Europe newsletter - January 2022
Carlos Rey Bacaicoa, January 2022
A £300 monsoon-busting home: the Bangladeshi architect fighting extreme weather
Article from The Guardian, 16/11/2021
Oliver Wainwright, November 2021
RESET, cooperation between SSE and regional / local governments in Europe
Article from the RIPESS Europe newsletter - October 2021
Günther Lorenz, October 2021
Meet Ana Silva, CRESAÇOR (Fajã de Baixo, Portugal)
Article from the RIPESS Europe newsletter - Summer 2021
Ana Silva, July 2021
20th edition of the Regional Forum on Social and Solidarity-based Economy
Article from the RIPESS Europe newsletter - December 2020
Bérénice DONDEYNE, December 2020
Article from the RIPESS Europe newsletter - October 2020
Blanca Crespo Arnold, October 2020
Solidarity Economy and the Commons in Central and Eastern Europe
NL Europe Solidaire Sans Frontières, 21 juin 2019
Agnes Gagyi, June 2019
Denison Jayasooria, March 2019
First of its kind refugee-owned sewing group launches in Chicago
Article of 90 days 90 voices January 25, 2019
January 2019
Solidarity Beyond the Headlines – Social Economies in Central and Eastern Europe
Green European Journal, November 13? 2018
Agnes Gagyi, November 2018
The debt shackles are off; watch Greek social enterprises go!
Thomson Reuter Foundation news
Antonis Vorloou, September 2018
Article of In These Times, June 29, 2017
Valerie Vande Panne, June 2017
The Mutual Aid Network Takes a Ground-Up Approach to Create a Collaborative Economy
Article of Shareable, February 8, 2017
Stephanie Rearick, Leander Bindewald, February 2017
Solidarity Economy Part III : Key Rights Underlying the Solidarity Economy in Brazil
Article RIOONWATCH Jan 28, 2017
Patrice LOVESSE, January 2017
7 Paths to Development That Bring Neighborhoods Wealth, Not Gentrification
Article of Yes! Magazine, Nov 11, 2015
Marjorie Kelly, Sarah McKinley, November 2015
Creative Wildfire, January 2022
Web sites :
- Le Mouvement des entrepreneurs sociaux (MOUVES)
- RTES - Réseau des Territoires pour l’économie solidaire
- France Active
- Rhône-Alpes Solidaires. org
- Canadian Social Economy Hub/Centre Canadien d’économie sociale
- COMMACT - The Common Wealth Network for People-Centred Development
- Revista Vinculando
- MIES-IEPS Instituto Nacional de Economia Popular y Solidaria, Ecuador
- Centre d’Expertise et de Recherche en ESS de l’ESSCA
- Place Publique, le site des Initiatives citoyennes
- Shamengo - 1000 pionniers du nouveau monde
- Communauté des acteurs de l’ESS
- CERISES - Centre européen de ressources sur les initiatives solidaires et les entreprises sociales
- Selba - Recursos para una vida simple, natural y perdurable
- Fundacion Stro Uruguay Social Trade Organization
- Guyai - Democracia, Participação e Solidariedade
- Noticias positivas
- Pecosol - Plataforma Centroamericana de Economia Solidaria
- EBC - Economia del Bien Comun Documental
- Consorzio Etimos Italia
- The global Transition to a new Economy
- Coopérative Régionale de Financement Solidaire
- AERESS - Asociación Española de Recuperadores de Economía Social y Solidaria.
- Movimiento de Economia Social y Solidaria del Ecuador - MESSE
- Le plan ESSE
- Community Work for Asia - CWA
- Instituto de Promocion de la Economia Solidaria - IPES Argentina
- CESIF - Collectif pour l’Economie Solidaire en Ile-de-France
- ARDES - Association Régionale pour le Développement de l’Economie Solidaire en Basse-Normandie
- comune info
- Beautiful solutions
- Connecting the dots
- Observatorio de Economia Social, Solidaria y Popular (Universidad Sam Marcos, Peru)
- Alternatives Economiques
- Alternativas Economicas
- Basta Mag
- Politis
- Periodico Diagonal
- Directa
- El critic
- La marea
- El diario
- Nord-Social
- Friture
- Démosphère
- Les colibris webzine
- Kaizen Magazine
- Say yess
- tv-sol
- Soli-tv
- Revista Papeles de relaciones ecosociales y cambio global
- Terra Nuova
- Vita Europe
- Radio ARA
- Tageblatt Online
- SalZinsel
- Collporterre
- Chaire Entrepreneuriat en Economie Sociale et Solidaire, Université Lumière Lyon 2
- Chaire interuniversitaire et interdiscplinaire en Économie sociale et solidaire et soutenabilité du territoire des Hauts-de-France (CHAIRESS)
- Chaire d’économie solidaire CNAM
- S.P.I.R.A.L.E. Alternatives
- Nachdenkseiten
- EnSSemble - l’Economie Sociale et Solidaire en France
- Alter Mondes
- Debout
- Demain en mains
- S!lence
- Socialter
- Terra eco
- Participatory Sustainable Waste Management - PSWM
- RENAPESS - Réseau National d’appui à la promotion de l’économie sociale et solidaire du Mali
- Shareable
- Viaggio nell’Italia che cambia
- Observatorio Vasco de Economía Social (OVES/GEEB)
- RESOLIS - Recherche et Evaluation de Solutions Innovantes et Sociales
- Colporterre
- Plateforme Haïtienne de Plaidoyer pour un Développement Alternatif
- Labo RAESS - Laboratoire et Service International d’Appui du réseau Africain de l’Economie Sociale et Solidaire
- Eco-Sol-Brest
- U.S. Solidarity Economy Network
- Website de Paul Singer
- Solidarity NYC
- Solidarum
- Instituto de Desarrollo de la Economía Asociativa - IDEAC
- Mediatico - Comprendre l’économie en mutation
- SUSY - Sustainable and Solidarity Economy
- Cooperative City
- Union Lexembourgeoise de l’économie sociale et solidaire - ULESS
- Fondation Daniel et Nina Carasso
- redESS (Costa Rica)
- Online University of the Left
- Economie Sociale Jeunesse Québec
- Kedistan
- Economie Sociale et Solidaire Wapi - Le portail de l’Economie Sociale et Solidaire en Wallonie picarde
- Athens social atlas
- CIRIEC Colombia
- Yomol A’tel
- Marco Coscione
- Econosoc - Carrefour de l’économie sociale
- Red Universitaria de Economía Social Solidaria - RUESS
- Social Economy Diaries - European Commission
- Transiscope: Le Portail web des Alternatives
- El Nido: Plataforma virtual abierta de emprendimiento social y sostenible
- Connect.ESS