Fairwatch is an NGO working on international trade, fair trade and climate change. It’s accreditated as observer organization to UNFCCC, to WTO and it’s a member of Seattle to Brussels Network.The Association was founded in 2003. At its foundation, the main activities of the association were in the field of Fair Trade, sustainable and green economy, and comprehended the development of projects and campaigns for raising awareness on the topics connected with Fair Trade, the trading of services for Fair Trade Organizations and Education and Information activities on the topics of social-green economy and international trade. Fairwatch is currently giving an active contribution in lobbying activities as part of Seattle to Brussels Network, represented by its Vice President Monica Di Sisto, and as part of Climate Justice Now! Network. Part of the lobbying activity of the association takes place at the level of national government, international institution and European Commission, carrying on campaigns on international Trade and bilaterals in collaboration with some European Fair Trade organizations. At the present time, the activity of the association covers several fields: development of cooperation projects on green and sustainable economy, monitoring of projects in the South of the World, training courses for ecosol organizations and no-profit operators on campaigning, communication, ecological and social economy, elaboration of informative and training programmes and material. The activity of raising awareness is carried on by means of campaigns on international trade, climate change, transition economy and international cooperation. For the last years Fairwatch has been following WTO ministerial conferences and UN Conferences of the Parties on Climate Change as accreditated NGO focusing on impact of international trade on climate change and local communities.