An alternative vision of the economy


The principles of the Great Transition

In response to the destructive effects of predatory globalization in social, human and ecological terms, there is a clear need for a new economy that would bring with it new social relations and an improved relationship with the planet. A number of authors refer to a transition from a unique global model, based on economic growth, increased debt and the plundering of natural resources, to a decentralized federation of social and ecological economies.

Democratizing the economy

The economic and social functions of the social and solidarity economy (SSE), such as creating new markets, responding to new social needs, creating jobs, fostering social inclusion and strengthening social capital, sometimes overshadow its political mission of democratizing the economy. However, a number of authors, such as Jean-Louis Laville (1999), define the SSE as “all activities that contribute to democratizing the economy based on citizen involvement.”

Definitions, references, notions, scientific contributions

Feminisms/feminist economy

Feminist economics (FE) is a critical current of thought that seeks to make the gender dimensions of economic dynamics visible. The economic analysis carried out by the FE is based on a broad definition of the economy and raises the role of domestic and care work as one of the central issues in its discourse. From here, a theoretical framework is constructed with the capacity to question capitalism and heteropatriarchy and to make alternative proposals that oppose the mercantilist system focused solely on monetised production relations, forgetting the rest of the relations that are, however, crucial for the development of life.